Chapter 12 Friends

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Noelle POV

After hanging out with Trevor and Sophie I went to the cafeteria to grab a snack that's where I saw. Dana I wanted to talk with her but I was afraid that's when she looked over at me and got up. Dana was walking straight over to me her eyes with a murderous look and she had her hands clasped into a fist.

"Well look who it is" Dana sat down in front of me and smiled she looked like she had been crying for days. "Um well hello, Dana..." I looked away what do I do no one was here and I didn't want to start trouble.

"I am sorry..."

I turned back and gasp Dina said sorry to me the same Dana that hit me and insulted me. "Sorry about what?" I asked "Oh don't play stupid I am sorry for hitting you and making fun of you and all that other stuff" Dina layed back in the chair.

"Oh well...'s okay no need to apologize"

"No I need to I have been a real bitch these past few days I was only mean to you because you were so close with Julius so I guess I was Jealous and I only hit you because I was mad and I wanted to impress him" Dana looked down she seems like she was speaking the truth and I couldn't help but feel bad.

"It's fine Dana I just hope in the future we can become good friends and I am not mad at you" Dana looked up in shock and smiled she seem happy to hear that. "Thank you, Noelle, I hope we could become friends too in the future well ill see you around" Dana slowly got up but I quickly grabbed her hand.

"Wait Dana I Was wondering would you like to go to the library with me" I manage to ask Trevor where the library was since I had forgotten.

"Are you sure you wanna hang with me?"

'Yes, I am sure now come on!" I pulled Dana out of the cafeteria it was fun to make friends with her and I am glad we continued to run until we got to the library. It was a huge building with stones and flowers all over we walked quietly inside and made our way to the back.

"So Dana what would you like to learn first?"

"Hmm, how about your world tell me more about the city of light" Dana sat on the table and I sat in a seat in front of her. "Hmm alright I will tell you about the boys we have over there" and I chuckled at Dana's amusement.

"Oh please tell me wise one"

"Well, you see the boys over there act like princes well some of them do the others are the normal ones for us the boys do anything to get the girls attention they would send out love letters or confess their love at football games" I giggled. "Haha, none of the boys over here would do that they don't have soft hearts they would just go right up to them or tell them in private" Dina laughed.

"Haha I feel like some here would do that and you should see them in classes they would pass notes around to each other so the teacher wouldn't see the text," I said. "Ha well, the guys over here would just go straight on and text even though we can't use our phones on campus wait do you even have one?" Dana looked at me curiously.

I shook my head no I never thought of having a phone I thought of them as a waste of money "jeez girl I guess you are a very old school" Dana chuckled.

"Anyway, Dana do you have a boyfriend now you know ever since..." Dana looked at me her happiness turned into sadness I couldn't help but feel bad again. "Yeah, I do he doesn't go here though his name is Becket he's really nice I met him when I was dating Julius and I fell in love" Dana laid back and sighed. "He made me feel special and when I started dating him I couldn't tell Julius so I decided to just randomly break up with him I couldn't cheat or do anything bad..." Dana sat up again and smiled.

"But I guess it was worth it..."

I felt a little surprised Dana seems so hardcore on the outside but when you really get to know her she's very nice. "Hmm well I am happy you are happy but I need to tell you something" I really didn't but sooner or later she will find out and I already told Trevor so maybe she won't freak out.

"Let me guess you like Julius"

My eyes widened in shock how did she know how is she so fine with this I thought "How did you know?" I asked. "Well, you seem very hmm I don't know bubbly around Julius and the day I hit you he seems furious and ran after you so I just thought and when I see you around sometimes you look at him like he is the only one that matters to you" Dana laid back again.

Do I really look at him like that? I thought

"This is nuts how are you so fine with this?"

"Hmm well I just want to see Julius happy and I could tell when I was with him I didn't really do that but when he is with you it's something different" Dana smirked. "Oh well, Dana please don't tell anyone or Julius..." I looked up in fright I really hope she won't tell anyone.

"I promise"

"Thank you..."

Dana and I kept talking until it was time to go I guess we became really good friends after all

I hope you like this chapter I am sorry that it is short but I will try to make the next one longer I will either publish the next chapter today or tomorrow again hope you enjoyed bye-Kiki

Ps. Comment what you think about Dana and Noelle do you think they could become really good friends?

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