Chapter16 A Mystery in the Night

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Julius POV

I am so stupid I thought I cannot believe I just ran out on Noelle she just fainted for god's sake and where am I walking back to my dorm. Noelle had told me about the incident with the principal I thought that was pretty crazy. And why would the principal even say that I know Noelle wouldn't lie but it seem so unlike him. 

Until she talked about my temper and me hurting people...

I just got mad I really didn't mean to yell at her I just didn't like when people would say stuff about me. But she is my girlfriend she deserves to say something like that once in a while.

I started to walk around the school trying to think of a way to apologize to Noelle turning the corner I heard something at the other end of the walkway.   


"Lets go we have no time for you guys!"

I turned around and I heard a long yell. Where is that coming from I thought and I quietly peeked around the corner to see the principal and a group of men pulling kids into a limo. 

What the hell...

Then I noticed that the kids were all wearing ragged clothes and some looked like they just came out of dirt. The kids all seem to look like Noelle and Sophie some had brown hair and some had blonde none of them looked like any of the kids of the darkness. 

Also, I have never seen any of them before even if they were new I would have recognized them right away. That's when it had hit me if they were not kids of the darkness that means. 

They are kids of the light...

I stepped back in shock I had to tell Noelle quickly I stepped on a branch making it snap that's when one of the guards looked over at me. Oh no he is coming over here I looked around trying to find a place to hide but the guard was getting closer and closer. I decided to risk it and I started to run not looking the other way. 

I need to find Noelle she must still be at the nurses office and I ran back to the nurse's office. 

I have to tell Noelle, I have to tell Noelle, I have to tell Noelle, I have to tell Noelle

Thoughts were crossing my head why would the principle of darkness have kids of the light and why would he put them in a limo and why so late in the night. 

I finally made it to the nurse's office and I swung open the door nurse Luff was sitting at her desk drinking coffee. I ran up to her and asked where Noelle was. 

"Oh she went back to her dorm"

I nodded and waved goodbye running out and I ran to the dorm all out of breath swinging the door open I saw Noelle sitting on her bed reading that's when she looked up I could tell she was crying.

"Julius- I am sorry..."

I nodded and sat next to her quickly "it is fine but I need to tell you something" Noelle nodded and sat closer. "I...uh..." I looked at Noelle I tried to say the words but I couldn't "come on Julius spill it!" Noelle yelled with a slight anger in her voice. 

"I saw kids of the light!"

Noelle stayed quiet and looked at me confused "Julius uh what do you mean?"  I explained to Noelle what I saw and what the principal was doing. "What why would the principal do that this is crazy we need to tell someone Julius!" Noelle yelled before getting up. 

"No you cannot no one can know what I told you it could put me and you and whoever you tell  could get in danger its best if we stay quiet just in case!" Noelle sat down slowly staying quiet.

What do I do?...

"Okay then Julius I will not tell anyone but we need to find more about this we can ask nurse Luff tomorrow she might know something she does work here of course and maybe we can tell use what you actually saw" Noelle gave me a kiss and went to the bathroom "don't worry Julius we will figure this out together and I am sorry about before I shouldn't have said that" Noelle smiled. 

I am glad Noelle...

"Noelle I am sorry too!" 

A few minutes later Noelle had trotted out of the bathroom her long blonde hair flowing behind her "well Julius tomorrow is another day you should get some rest" Noelle slid into my bed "now go on and get changed I am tired and cold" I laughed. "Okay, Noelle" and I went to the bathroom and changed and slid into bed wrapping my arms around her.

"do not worry my love we will figure this out"

I kissed her on the forehead and looked up while holding Noelle and I soon started to fall asleep... 

Tomorrow is another day...

I hope you enjoyed the story I will either publish today or tomorrow and the mystery only deepens can nurse Luff be trusted? and who do you think those kids were? comment what you think bye for now-Kiki

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