Chapter 1: The beginning

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'Fucking fuckers' That's all I could think as I whimpered in pain on the floor of my cell. I felt like literally dying. A few days ago I was taken by a clan if vampires. Why? Just because. They take what they deem weak. And well...I am weak.

My dumbass decided to leave my pack and be a lone wolf when I found out that another pack was joining mine...Which meant a new Alpha. And I didn't know how that Alpha would react to a runt like me. I left my best friend. The only family I had...

I groaned when I heard footsteps but luckily they didn't come towards me. The vampires that took me were apparently looking for a gift to give their commander. Who is basically the leader of their clan. I'm not sure how someone could be a gift but I sure as hell don't want to find out.

They have been trying to "break" me to be the perfect gift. But uh no. Not gonna happen. I slowly sat up and winced at the throbbing in my side and head. 'Wow...They sure didn't hold back.' I thought. I slowly started to stand up and look around. 

I looked towards the exit of the cell room and saw the handle turning and I let out a small growl. I refuse to submit to these...These...Freaks!! These blood sucking freaks. The handle turned completely and in came two vampires I didn't see before. They were dressed like...Maids?

"The commander requested for you to be washed and prepped to be seen. And I wouldn't try and struggle if I were you." One of them said coldly and I slowly nodded while they brought things in...Including a hose and soap.

*20 minute timeskip*

'That was something...' I thought as I stared down at my dress.

I didn't have shoes but at least this was

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I didn't have shoes but at least this was...Something. The second maid that as yet to speak put her hand on my back and quickly rushed me out the cell and towards wherever.

"When we get to the group hall don't speak unless spoken too." She said. Well...I guess I know where she is leading me to now. We started passing a bunch of doors until I was in front of two huge doors...Why does anyone even need doors this tall...

The maid knocked twice before I heard a very cold voice say "Come in" The doors then opened but I decided to keep my head down...I have a uneasy feeling about this...We then walked in.

I felt my wolf howl in my head from happiness? What..? I looked up and saw a woman who probably never showed emotions before looking at me shocked. Is she my..."Mate.." She whispered.

Well what the fuck.


Not edited.

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