Chapter 8 - Why Are They Here?

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    LunaStar heard everything that was going on around her, but couldn't see anything.
    "What's going on?" She wanted to scream. "Why can't I move?"
    But she couldn't even move, let alone speak.
    "I think I see it," a voice said. It didn't sound like anyone she knew. "And th-- AHH!"
    "Dude, chill out," another voice sighed. "It's shut down, see?"
    Author? LunaStar thought, still in a mild panic from when she had seen the spirit of her friend she had killed. She remembered his face clearly. His name is, or was, Justin. But it didn't look like her formal "friend". It had been a black, shadowy figure with white eyes and teeth. What's happening? Why can't I see?
    The Author's Spirit didn't reply.
    LunaStar wanted so desperately to see what was going on, but she couldn't open her eyes.
    "B... but why is it there of all places?" The first voice demanded in terror. She heard footsteps approaching her, slowing as they got closer to her. Why did I agree to that bet? He wondered, filled with worry and fright. Why did I say yes to that bet?
    "Try to open its eyes," the second voice ordered. Her voice sounded raspy but not at the same time. Almost like she was using this voice for this occasion. "You know what to do next." Then we'll see if it turns on, she thought. Oooh, this is going to be great!
    LunaStar felt terrified. More scared then she had been here. Here there were two others, most likely people judging by their voices, and they were going to power her on. She didn't feel in control of her body. She didn't know what she'd do to them. LunaStar didn't want to kill them - she just wanted answers.
    "What do I do now?" The boy asked. His voice cracked, so he cleared his throat and repeated the question.
    "Turn it over so you can see it's back panel," the girl ordered. A slight pause. LunaStar could feel herself being moved. She feel with a soft thud on the ground as the metal of her suit hit the ground. LunaStar realized she was now lying on the ground with her back exposed. "Good. Now take this." Another pause. "Great. Now, unscrew the screws there, there, there, and there." LunaStar could feel herself being poked.
    The pain she felt as the boy unscrewed her screws was the worst pain-- no, when the Author's Spirit went in her body hurt the most -- the second worst pain she'd ever felt. Trapped in her mind, she screamed. She wanted to twist her body to try to wriggle out of this, but she couldn't move her body.
    The boy grunted as he unscrewed the rusty screws. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he stopped. LunaStar's back still throbbed and it felt like she was on fire.
    Like she was on fire.
    "Now, see that lever?" The girl asked. LunaStar's back all of a sudden felt cold. As cold as a block of ice. But at least she didn't feel pain anymore, just a major discomfort. "Good. Now pull that lever and it should turn on. It should take a minute, though." Retreating footsteps.
    LunaStar felt her system whirring and gears grinding as her system booted up again. She felt her voice box emit a staticky noise as it, too, booted up. Her eyelid fluttered open and she, out of nowhere, was in control of her body again.
    The first thing she saw was Misty in the doorway, in an awkward position, supposedly shut down. Then she noticed the two humans. The boy who looked to be about twenty or so was dressed in some kind of uniform. It had the restaurant's logo; Vincent's Rusty Bucket on some kind of badge attached to the shirt. It had a small picture of Misty's face below it. Her facial recognition scanned the newcomer's face. It told her his name was Tavern.
    "Hello," Tavern greeted LunaStar warily. "D-do you speak?"
    LunaStar blinked. "H-h-hello, Tavern," she greeted him back. "I don't recognize you."
    Tavern shifted on his feet nervously. The girl gave him a playful punch on the shoulder. "Ah, Tavern. C'mon, you aren't scared, of this animatronic, are you?"
    "K-kind of," Tavern admitted.
    "There's n-nothing to be afraid of," LunaStar soothed the man. "I'm perfectly harmless." Flashbacks. Flashbacks to when she had killed her friends. Flashbacks to how she had planned to kill Misty and Ghost once and for all. Flashbacks of the blood covering her hands. Flashbacks of her helpful, teleporting cloth that had chloroform on it. Flashbacks to how she had used it on Justin and then Jack.
    Flashbacks to Misty screaming in her sleep about her sister. Flashbacks to how Ghost seemed more jumpy when LunaStar was around. Flashbacks to her own nightmares. Nightmares of her own mother. Nightmares of the fire that had burnt their house down. Nightmares of her father burning alive.
    "See?" The girl said. LunaStar turned to face her. She was wearing a red flannel paired with blue jeans with holes in it. "Perfectly harmless. I'm sure its programming prevents it from hurting us."
   "Hello, kids!" LunaStar suddenly greeted no one. "R-r-ready for some fun? I know I'm ready! Misty and I just love to play with you all! But don't get too close, it's against the rules." And I might hurt you. "So if you don't want t-t-t-to get in trouble, don't touch us." Or I might have to stab you. "Enjoy the show! Misty, take it away!"
    "Woah," the girl whispered.
    Now snapped out of her episode of when the place was still open, she stared at Tavern, who looked petrified. "Did you hear that?" He mumbled.
    The girl turned to face him. "Hear what? That she's operating? Yeah. Apart from a few voice glitches, she's in perfect working order."
    "I heard that, too, but--" Tavern cut himself off. "Did you hear the second voice?"
    "What second voice?" The girl asked. She sounded concerned. LunaStar thought her voice sounded familiar, but she couldn't think of her name.
    "Behind her voice," Tavern answered. He shook his head, his messy brown hair shaking around with him. "Nevermind." He blinked his brown eyes. "What's your name?"
    LunaStar answered right away. "My name is LunaStar, but you can call me Luna." I should just knock them out, the little fuckers, LunaStar thought. But how? She didn't take her eyes away from Tavern. "What's your friend's name?"
    "Her name--" Tavern started.
    "My name is Bethany," Bethany cut off Tavern.
    LunaStar stumbled back a few paces, now staring directly at Bethany. "B-Bethany?" She stuttered.
    "Yeah," Bethany answered. "You sound scared. Were you programmed to do that? Cool!" She took a step towards the black cat animatronic.
    My killer, LunaStar thought in a rage. She betrayed me! The BITCH! "You son of a bitch," LunaStar growled. Bethany and Tavern flinched back.
    "Woah," Tavern gasped. "I... I didn't know they could say that."
    LunaStar didn't take her red eyes off of Bethany. "Do you remember me?" LunaStar asked in a low, dangerous voice.
    "N-no?" Bethany answered. Fear shone in her hazel eyes.
    LunaStar smiled. Her eyes narrowed. Oh, how good it felt to see the one person she had been wishing would show up in fear. "You don't?" She said. "Oh, that's a shame." LunaStar snapped her head around to look at Tavern. "You," she ordered. "You, go. And you--" LunaStar looked back at Bethany and grabbed her arm-- "you're coming with me."
    Tavern hesitated. LunaStar literally growled at him. That seemed to put some sense in his brain, for he turned tail and ran. He ran past Misty who twitched slightly.
    "My name," LunaStar said as she crouched down so she could be eye to eye with her traitor, "is Elizabeth."
    Bethany's eyes widened. "Wh--but--how--?" She stuttered. She had lost the rasp in her voice and was now speaking in the voice LunaStar remembered.
    "I thought I remembered you from somewhere," LunaStar continued, "but I wasn't sure. I wanted to be sure. Because if it wasn't you, I'd have killed a random bystander. A poor, poor innocent bystander. They would have died, and I would have felt bad that it wasn't you. I'd have let the body rot. I would have felt no remorse for what had happened. I'd kick that body everyday, imagining it as you.
    "But now that I have you, I can finally do what I have wanted to do for so, so long. Do you know what that is?" LunaStar paused for a second, giving the Traitor a chance to respond. Bethany shook her head. "Well." LunaStar chuckled. "I'm going to let you die a slow, slow death. You'd wish you had never come back here. If your friend had any sense, he wouldn't call the police. You know why? 'Cuz they'd lock him up. They'd think he'd gone crazy. And if you--" LunaStar pointed a finger at Bethany. She poked her neck with her long nail-- "go anywhere other than this room, I'll find you and kill you. Do you understand?"
    Bethany swallowed nervously and nodded.
    "I want a verbal agreement," LunaStar barked.
    "Yes," Bethany replied.
    "Good," LunaStar said. "Now, let's go and see if the others are awake. They'll want to play." LunaStar winked and Bethany tried to run away. "Remember, if you leave this room, I'll find you myself and kill you." LunaStar tapped Misty. "Go watch my traitor for me." Misty powered on immediately, silently, nodded at LunaStar, turned around, then intently watched Bethany. "Remember," LunaStar whispered in the fox's ear. "She helped me."
    That seemed to work. LunaStar saw Misty stand up straighter, the fox was more tense. Any chance of Bethany escaping with Misty's help were gone.
    She helped LunaStar kill me? Misty's outraged thoughts filled LunaStar's head and she winced at the intensity of it. I was thinking of helping her, but if she HELPED my KILLER, she isn't going ANYWHERE!
    Owww, LunaStar mumbled as she walked out the door. Briefly, Misty's memories filled LunaStar's head. Misty had pulled herself back into the kitchen, the bodies of her friends all around, they all died right in front of her eyes as she was trapped in the suit, unable to do anything.
    WHY CAN'T I MOVE? Her mind had screamed.
    Misty/Madison's mind flashed forward. And what LunaStar saw was Madison's sister take the knife--
    The memory was cut off. LunaStar noticed she had stopped walking. She looked around and back at Misty. Did she have those flashbacks often? If so, when? Only when the dark gray fox was around LunaStar, or does it just hit her, like the image of the house fire and her father-- no. Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Don'tthinkaboutitdon'tthinkaboutit. Please.
    She pushed her father's screams to the back of her mind and locked in a mental drawer and locked it.
    You are on a mission, LunaStar told herself as she walked once again to her destination. And you will fulfill it.
    A secret passageway from downstairs to the upstairs. She had started it upstairs, but the black cat animatronic didn't want to risk getting stuck up there again. LunaStar didn't even know how she was still functioning. She had been shocked before. She couldn't move, couldn't talk. And Misty just left her there, a triumphant glow to her differently colored eyes.

Mechanical Instinct (A FNaF Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora