Chapter 20 - The Return

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Sorry I haven't been publishing chapters! I guess long story short is that life is busy.

    LunaStar startled awake screaming. Fear rushed through her body and flooded her sense of where she was. "Who are you?!"
    "Woah, woah, Luna," a familiar-but-not voice gasped, then tried to soothe her. "It's okay. It's me, Randy."
    LunaStar just barely threw herself back to the room she was in - back into reality.
    "What happened while I was gone?" Randy questioned. "You have... different animatronic parts on you." He eyed her hook nervously with his blue eyes.
    "Wh... where were you?" LunaStar demanded, avoiding the question.
Randy's gaze didn't falter, but nor did he answer. LunaStar, also, refused to answer the question he asked. She didn't think she could, given the past few... days? Weeks? She couldn't tell anymore. She stopped rubbing her hook.
    LunaStar got up and took a step toward Randy. She hoped she looked intimidating. "I'll repeat, where the fuck were you?"
    "Upstairs," Randy answered coolly. LunaStar tried to read his mind, but found out she couldn't. It sounded like a faint static.
    Why couldn't she read his mind like she could others'?
    Did something happen? What happened while the Author's Spirit was talking? What did she do?
   LunaStar found that she couldn't ask any of these questions - like something was keeping her from doing just that. Why? What was happening?
    "If you come upstairs, I could show you," Randy continued.
    LunaStar remembered being trapped in the upstairs. For what seemed like years, she was trapped up there. The cat aninatronic would not go back up there. LunaStar growled. "No!" She screamed, waving her hooked hand dangerously close to Randy's face. "I WON'T GO BACK UP THERE!!"
    Randy didn't seem to care. "But you'll see my masterpiece!" He argued in a calm voice. It made her want to follow him. LunaStar resisted the urge. "You'll become indestructible, incredable! No one will question you."
    LunaStar shook her head. "No," she said, her voice shaking. "No. No!"
    "Guess I'll have to bring you the hard way," Randy murmered. "I need to show you what's going to happen... so you can prevent it."

    Misty found herself back on her stage. She caught a glimpse of a brown, fluffy tail before it dissapeared through a doorway. Was Randy back?
    Misty's vision went black for a second, then came back. The fox animatronic looked around, fearful that something had happened. What was that? What just happened?
    Misty swore she saw a human when her eyes... malfunctioned. A... a group of humans. But then the image was gone.
    "Hello?" Misty called out. "Was that you, Ghost?"
    No one answered. Misty tried to get up and found that she was in complete control of her suit again. She shuddered, remembering the feeling of complete helplessness as she stood there, unable to do anything, while the Author's Spirit did things that she didn't want to do.
    Misty walked over to one of the party tables, pulled back a chair, and sat there, facing the table. She put her head down in her arms so they covered her face. Sadness.
    Then she heard footsteps. But... they weren't animatronic footsteps. They were quiet footsteps. Misty looked up. "Emily?" She demanded. "Is that you? I told you I--" she cut herself off.
    That wasn't Emily, her murderer. Misty froze.
    "U-uh, hi!" The small girl greeted the animatronic. "Who's Emily?"
    The girl probably didn't expect Misty to say anything - or to even been operational. She seemed on edge. Misty noticed that there wasn't any mist around this girl. The Author's Spirit must have no business with this child.
    When Misty didn't respond, the girl shifted uncomfortably. "Woah. That's quite a weird style, mah dude."
    Misty looked down at her suit. It wasn't quite a choice, Misty told herself. It was forced. She desperately wished that she had LunaStar's facial-recognition system-- wait. Is that...? It can't be! "Londyn!" She looked so much older then last Misty had seen her!
    Ally came running to her younger sister. "Londyn!" She cried out. "Londyn!"
    Londyn's head snapped around to look where the other cry had come from. "Ally?" She whispered so softly that Misty barely heard her.
    Misty got up, ran over to Londyn, and hugged her gently. Ally came over, too, and did the same, but tighter. The two were sisters united.
    Misty pushed back her rising guilt. She'll never see her sister, Violet, again... "It's been so long," Misty whispered.
    "Woah!" Londyn yelped. "Mah dudes! Get off of me!"
    Misty forced herself to stop hugging her friend's sister. Ally did not. "Londyn, you came," Ally whispered, her voice cracking with emotion, tears running down her face.
    "Ally?" Londyn softly asked.
     "Yes, Londyn?" Ally asked her softly - almost too softly for Misty to hear. "I'm here... I'm right here."
    "Is... is that really you?" Ally's younger sister asked.
    Ally nodded. "Yes. I'm here."
    "Ally!" Londyn cried. "I-I found you!"
    Ally didn't say anything. She just stood there, her dead spirit hugging her alive sister.
    "You're not dead!" Londyn exclaimed, excited.
    "I--" Ally started. "I am," she confessed.
    Londyn stepped back, confusion on her face. "Huh?" She asked. "And how does the animatronic know my name?"
    Misty couldn't bring herself to answer. "I--I am... I-it's... complicated," she managed to stutter out, her voice quiet again.
    "That's Madison," Ally explained. "Madison, come here."
    Misty snapped back into focus when she heard her name being called. She walked over to Ally. "You need anything?"
    "I'm sure you can see her, too, right?" Ally asked Londyn.
    "See Madison in... that?" Londyn asked.
    Misty got offended. Her eyes widened. She swished her endoskeleton tails. But then she calmed down. At... at least LunaStar isn't here... she reminded herself. This calmed her down.
    "Yes," Ally answered calmly.
    "Then no," Londyn continued.
    "Can you sense her?" Ally questioned her sister.
    A pause. "Kind of," Londyn finally answered.
    "See that animatronic?" Ally asked. Londyn nodded.
    "Right in my face, mah dude."
    "That's Madison."
    "The aninatronic's name is Madison? They named an animatronic after your dead friend?"
    Misty flinched.
    "No, Londyn," Ally admitted. "Th...
they didn't." She sighed. "The animatronic is called Misty. Remember? The... um... spirit, for lack of better term, of Madison is inhabiting, umm, Misty."
    "WHAT?!" Londyn cried out, confused beyond belief.
    "This is gonna' take a long time to explain," Ally mumbled.
    "I'll help," Misty offered, mentally preparing herself for her backstory. About how Violet died... How her friends died right in front of her eyes...
    "You... you might want to sit down for this sorrowful tale," Ally ordered.
    Londyn objected at first, but then obliged.
    "We were at Vincent's Rusty Bucket - this place - for Madison's birthday party all those years ago," Ally started.

Mechanical Instinct (A FNaF Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now