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"Ok, we've gotta give that kid a nickname. This is way too confusing." Santana said. "Or everyone could call you Frankenteen."
"Let's go with the nickname thing." Finn said.
Santana and Kurt had come home, and had been very, understandably, surprised to see Finn. He explained everything, and after the initial shock, accepted the fact that they had another roommate.
"Let's call him Frankenteen, then."
"Absolutely not. I will not have my child growing up in an environment in which he is harassed every day." Rachel said, coming into the kitchen.
"Berry, you're no fun."
"How about Bud?" Finn suggested, "I think it's an actual name, and he'll always have a story to tell when people ask him about it."
"I like that. What do you think, Bud?" He squealed.
"That's a yes, then." Kurt said.
"I still like Frankenteen better." Santana muttered under her breath.

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