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Finn, Bud, and Rachel, along with Kurt and Santana, took the long drive back to Lima.
Finn cautiously stepped out of the car in from of WMHS and slowly walked inside. He was sort of nervous that everyone would hate him. Despite Rachel's reassurances, he was still worried.
Immediately as he walked in, Sam came rushing up and hugged him tight. "I'm so glad you're not dead!" He said, and stepped back. "I'm sorry, that, uh, came out wrong." He muttered, sort of embarrassed.
Finn laughed. "It's fine. Yeah, uh, sorry."
"Don't be. You did what you thought you had to do, but the important thing is that you're here now." Sam whisked Finn away to the choir room, leaving the others to find their way. Bud, now a little over a year old, toddled after them as fast as his tiny legs could muster.
Rachel giggled and ran after him, Kurt and Santana close behind. When they got into the choir room, everyone gasped at Finn, finally realizing that he was actually alive, even after he explained everything on the phone. Their surprise quickly turned to smiles when they saw Bud walking around, giving everyone a high five while they laughed. Rachel smiled and put her arm around Finn. He leaned in and kissed her forehead.
After about an hour, Rachel, Finn, and Bud headed to Finn's house.

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