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"So, the concert's tonight?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, I'm meeting Julia outside her dorm at 5."

"That's cool," he replied.

"Yeah, I'm so excited. Do you know their music?"

"Yeah, I've heard it. It's good."

Alex and I were walking to the coffee shop for our Saturday morning breakfast. After a week's worth of classes, I had begun to adjust and come to love the college lifestyle. So far, nothing had been too difficult. The classes I had were just getting started, so they've been a piece of cake. The food selection was great in the cafeteria. I had a nice roommate, and had made lots of new friends.

I guess that you could say that I was attracted to Alex. We'd been hanging out a lot the past few days, and he was super sweet. I would be lying if I said that I didn't like him. I would also be lying if I said that I didn't think he returned my feelings. He texted me to meet up with him at some point everyday. He bought my coffee, put his arm around me, and walked me to my classes.

We were a block away from the coffee shop, and Alex reached out to hold my hand. I suddenly had that butterfly in my stomach, that I hadn't felt in a while. I just didn't know if I wanted to start a relationship so soon. I had just cut things off with my boyfriend Carter... or ex-boyfriend rather. He was great and everything, but he was going to a college that was seven hours away from Penn State. Things weren't going that well for us, when we were ten minutes away from each other, and I had no interest in having the stress of keeping a long distance relationship.

Alex and my fingers remained intertwined as we approached the entrance to the shop. We ordered our breakfast and beverages and sat down outside. Autumn was just beginning, and I was shivering. Alex gave me his Penn State sweatshirt. It was super big on me, but it would have to do. After we finsihed eating, he walked me back to my dorm.

"I guess I'll see you around then. Have fun at the concert," Alex muttered. He gave me a friendly, or not-so-friendly hug, smiled, and began walking down the street.

"Wait!" I shouted after him. "We have an extra ticket if you wanna come tonight. Julia's boyfriend was going to go, but they broke up a few days ago."

Alex just laughed, "Are you doing what I think you're doing?" 

I was confused. 

"Are you, Jess Lightcap, asking me on a date?"

"It's... it's not a date, just three friends going to a concert," I blushed.

"Whatever you say. I guess I'll see you at five. Oh, and keep the sweatshirt," he smiled.


Before I knew it, it was 4:57. I rushed out of my dorm, almost forgetting to lock it. I was wearing a long-sleeve black crop top with ripped skinny jeans and white Keds. I left my hair mostly down, with a small section in a messy braid on the side of my head. I finished putting on my mascara and lipstick on the way down in the elevator.

Alex was waiting for me. He was wearing jeans and a tight green t-shirt, that showed off his abs and muscles. He flashed his charming smile at me. He told me that I looked great, and I returned the compliment. He laughed a little.

"I gotta be honest here. I have no idea who Twenty One Pilots is, but I'm so thrilled to be spending this fine evening with you." 

I felt the butterfiles again. "You too," I replied, keeping my cool. 

We both smiled at each other, and he grabbed my hand as we started walking.

We got to Julia's five minutes late, but the concert didn't actually start until eight. On the car ride, Julia and I exposed Alex to Twenty One Pilots. I couldn't tell if he actually liked them or not.

We arrived at 5:45. Backstage pass holders could go backstage to meet Tyler and Josh starting at 6:30, but there was already a slow-moving long line. Unfortunately, Alex's ticket wasn't a backstage pass. He went to wait in the audience, and save seats, since it was open seating. I felt bad, but I wasn't going to lose the chance to see Tyler and Josh. 

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