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I shivered as I knocked on Tyler's front door. His dad, Kurt, answered, with an expressionless face. Then all of a sudden his face lit up with a smile as he exclaimed, "Jess!"

"Hi," I laughed as he wrapped me in an enormous hug. Then I remembered why I was here, and what Tyler had found out. I slowly pulled away, and sort of faked a smile.

"Is Tyler here?" I asked.

Kurt turned to the hallway and called Tyler's name. He came quickly down the stairs, face cleaned up and smiling.

"Have fun you two," Tyler's mom yelled from the kitchen.

I started up the car, realizing that I didn't know where we were going. I asked Tyler what he wanted to do.

"I'm kind of hungry... Chipotle?" he suggested.

Chipotle was always one of my favorite restaurants growing up, so I wasn't hesitant to say yes. The car ride was awkwardly quiet. I doubted that Tyler wanted to talk about his parents; I wouldn't know what to say if he did. It came as such a shock to me. His parents used to be the type of couple that was madly in love even after being married for a long time.

Once we arrived it was really crowded; there weren't even seats available for us. We ended up ordering it as take-out. I ordered a spicy chicken salad and Tyler got a beef burrito. We found comfort eating in my car parked across the street from the restaurant facing a walking park. We just made general conversation.

"Do you want to walk a little?" Tyler asked as he pointed towards the park.

"Sure," I replied.

We threw our trash out and started on the trails. Tyler broke the silence as he whistled an old tune.

Then he stopped and said, "I just don't understand. I thought my parents had a genuine relationship. I always trusted my dad. He was my number one advisor. How... how could be so stupid to trust someone that has no respect? How... how..."

"Relax, It'll all be okay." I interrupted him as I rubbed my hand across his back. He draped his arm around my shoulders as we walked. I told him that at least he'll continue the tour and won't have to worry or deal with any problems his dad created. He sighed and squeezed my should tightly.

"Thanks Jess. Thanks for being here."

"That's what best friends do," I smiled.

"You're a dork," he said.

We kept walking. Up ahead, was a playground, and Tyler insisted we go for old times sake. We raced to the swings as we always had, both trying to get the swing all the way on the left. After hours spent at this park, we knew that one went just slightly higher than all the rest. We got there at almost the same time and fell into each other trying to get on. We crumpled to the dirt in laughter.

After the swings, we headed to the see-saw. He always weighed just enough more than I did, to send me up with a bounce. After a few ups and downs, he jumped off his end and sent me crashing down.

"Jerk!" I shouted and pushed him a little. He grabbed me tight around both of my wrists, so I couldn't fight anymore. I felt a few raindrops on my head. He then wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled me in surprisingly close to him so that our foreheads lightly touched. He smelled like Chipotle. I stared into his brown eyes for a few seconds, and he leaned in even closer. What was going on? It was all happening so fast. I could feel his breath on my cold cheeks. His soft lips slowly brushed against mine and his hand pushed my chin up to kiss.

It only lasted for half of a second before I pulled away.

"Tyler! We can't!" I shouted. It was beginning to rain harder now.

"I... I... I don't know what I was thinking," Tyler stammered.

"Let's just get home. It's getting late and it's raining anyway."

We half-walked-half-ran back to the car and drove back without a word. When I pulled up to his front walk he was hesitant to get out of the car. I looked over at him with a confused look.

"Really Jess.. I'm sorry. That was out of line. I know you have a boyfriend... but please I don't want to have made it awkward between us," he said quietly.

"Well then I guess things will just return to normal, okay?" I said.

"Yeah, yeah uh.. I'll see you tomorrow. Are we going back on Tuesday?"

"Yeah my first class this week is on Wednesday."

"Um... yeah okay bye," he said as he quickly got out of the car.


When I entered my house, my mom was waiting to yell at me for being out all day.

"Young lady, where have you been? Do you ever answer your damn phone?" she shouted with rage. "This was supposed to be you coming home to spend time with your family. Me and your father. Period. Ugh... supper is waiting for you in the kitchen. It's probably cold by now!" she exclaimed.

I slowly walked to the kitchen. I wasn't really that hungry, but I ate for the sake of being yelled at. I guess I wouldn't be going anywhere tomorrow.

My dad was watching some movie in the living room. I sat on the recliner and grabbed my phone from the table. I must have forgotten it in my hurry.

7 missed calls (Mom)
4 missed calls (Alex)
4 voicemails (Mom)
2 voicemails (Alex)
3 messages (Alex)
1 message (Mom)

I guess my mom had a right to be mad. Ugh. I didn't want to talk to Alex especially now after what I'd just done with Tyler. It was just as much my fault as his. How did I get myself into this? I didn't even want a relationship right now in the first place. So Tyler did have feelings for me? Did I also have feelings? It was so hard to not kiss him back. But I didn't because I have a boyfriend. I have a boyfriend who I don't even want to call.

My head hurt from all this thinking, so I went upstairs to watch my own tv. At around 9:00pm I decided that I would call Alex since I'd barely talked to him since I've been home.

"Jess," he answered.

"Hey, sorry I haven't called you, I've been really busy with... well I've just been really busy... How are you?" I asked.

"I'm good, it's boring around here without you. I miss you."

"I miss you too."

"When are you coming back?" he asked.

"Tuesday afternoon," I replied.

When he asked about my day, I said that I went to lunch with my parents and then went to an old park I used to play at. I knew he'd be mad if I told him that I was with Tyler. We talked a little more and then I told him I had to go. We said goodnight and I hung up, leaving out a big sigh.

I stayed up for a few more hours reading over notes and studying for a big history test I had on Wednesday. Eventually, I fell asleep soundly.

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