Chapter 4 SMUT

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Smut warning.
Don't want to read, nothing important, you can skip.

Todoroki leaned against the shower wall, whimpering softly as he pressed up against the cool tile. He felt hot and it wasn't because of his quirk. The two in front of him, they triggered his heat! How could they trigger his heat?! He used his right side to cool off his right, shivering from the cold that lasted for a moment before it was replaced with the heat.

"Look at him, Deku. Look at how cute he is." He heard Bakugou chuckle causing todoroki to look up. Midoriya was watching him from over his shoulder, his face flushed, eyes lidded and they seemed to be a brighter shade of green. His lips were already swollen and one leg was hooked over Bakugou's hip, giving the alpha plenty of access to the omegas rear end. Todoroki blushed, his eyes following the movement and he could just feel his knees get weak. He slid down the wall and onto the floor, whimpering for attention.

Bakugou growled softly and he slowly pulled his fingers from Midoriya earning a needy whine. He pecked his cheek again and crooned, turning the showers off before he squeezed Midoriya's hip. "Get on the bed for me, Deku. Get yourself ready." Bakugou ordered, nibbling on his ear earning a squeal. Midoriya nodded, eager to please, and he ran out of the bathroom.

Bakugou turned to Todoroki, kneeling down in front of him. He gripped the omegas hair and kissed him deeply, pulling a relieved moan from the omega. Todoroki pawed at Bakugou's chest, pulling himself closer to the alpha, chasing his tongue.

Bakugou placed his hand on Todoroki's throat, breaking the kiss as the omega cried in want. "Shh. I have you." Bakugou assured. "what do you want me to call you while your in heat? Todoroki is too formal, and half'n'half is a mouthful." He murmured.

"Shoto. Please. Alpha. Call me by my name!" Todoroki begged, tugging at Bakugou's shoulders. The blonde pulled the omega into a hug and picked him up, groaning as he felt his dick press up against Todoroki's waist. "Good boy. And you can call me Katsuki. Alright?" The alpha purred.

Todoroki nodded quickly, kissing at his throat and whining from the overwhelming scent. Bakugou was barely keeping it together as he carried Todoroki to the bed. Especially with Midoriya laying in his stomach, a dildo already halfway in his ass. The alpha groaned softly from sight, exactly what the omega wanted from him. He laid Todoroki on the bed and picked up the toy they got for him.

"Is this your first time being penetrated by anything?" Bakugou asked, using the bottle next to Deku to lube up the toy. "m-my fingers.." todoroki mumbled, covering the lower part of his face with his hand, pulling his knees up to his chest with a soft whine. "How many?" Bakugou asked, petting his thigh soothingly as he showed him the vibrator, letting him see the size. "Two." The omega whimpered shyly.

"Good boy." Bakugou crooned, trying to relax his omega. "Are you scared? Do you want to stop?" He asked in such an uncharacteristically soft voice. Todoroki shook his head immediately, then paused as he truly thought it over. Bakugou rubbed his leg soothingly, waiting patiently for his answer. "no. I don't want to stop.. but I'm not sure what to do." Todoroki added, looking over at Midoriya before he groaned. "Do I have to do it like that?" He asked softly.

"No, you don't. Deku is just a whore while in heat." Bakugou smirked as he looked at his omega pridefully, hearing the little one whimpered in want to prove his point. "Do you know about sex toys?" Bakugou continued, looking back down at Todoroki. He wanted to fuck something. His dick ached and begged to be touched, but his omega was scared and unsure so there was no way he was going to ignore him to please himself.

"I know they're for sex. And it looks like you put them in your ass.." Todoroki glanced at Midoriya hesitantly. "that's the basics of it, yeah. Here, start fingering yourself. Get accustomed to what your comfortable with and I'll help you along the way." Bakugou crooned, squeezing his ankle gently as the omega blushed. He hesitantly started to suck on his fingers. "Yeah, spit works but here, lube is better." Bakugou offered him the bottle of it. Todoroki sat up and took it, looking over the label before he uncapped it.

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