Chap 10

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Jamie pov
So I run out the room and got dressed. Yes I have clothes at his house, he my best friend. I also had some for Hailey, once we were all done and ready we made our way to key car and went to school. I slowly pin my hair back as I made eye contact with Lilly. Who was laughing and smiling with Emily. I walked over to her feeling the pain and the humiliation build up. Causing me to become faster as soon as I got close enough I punched her dead in her face.

"What do you think you are doing you crazy psycho bitch" Emily said walking closer to me. And right when she got in my face I wrapped my hands around her neck and started chocking her. It wasn't long before I felt Keegan pry me off her. As soon as I released my grip, I spat on her as she struggled for air.

"Mrs Garcia get in my office NOW" yelled the principal. "And all of you GET TO CLASS NOW" he said as the kids cleared the hallway. Once it died down I walked into his office. "Mrs Garcia do you have any idea what you just did" he asked

"Yes I am very aware of what I did, was I thinking? No I wasn't, but did she have it coming? Yes she did" I said plopping down in the chair in front of him.

"What even lead up to this" he said sitting in his seat taking out his papers. I looked at him and turned slightly red. He stop and looked at me sternly.

"Okay, it all started a while ago. I was talking to Lilly, you know trying to get to know her...And boom we at a pool party And she slips something into my drink, we had sex before Keegan saved me. Turn out Emily and her posted and sent it to everyone. I lost control and for once it felt good" I said trying not to sound crazy.

He stroked his beard and sat in his chair to where he was facing me. " look since you been helping this school out before you even came and you never got in trouble I'll let you off easy. You will serve detention everyday after school." And as he said that I grabbed my things and headed out to my first class.

~After school~

So I'm walking to detention, I already told the club that I wasn't going to be there for a while. So my VP, True, is in charge. When I finally got to detention I see a girl sitting on the desk and a bunch of other kids talking. I sat in the desk in-front of her only for the simple fact that it was the only empty one.

"Hey, your the girl who choked Emily out" she said trying to engage in a conversation.

I rolled my eyes and look at her, I didn't even realized how pretty she was. "Yeah I guess you can say that" I finally answered.

"The name Mia" she said while placing her hand on my head.

"The name Mia" she said while placing her hand on my head

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"Jamie" I replied as I moved her hand off my hair.

"So what going on with you and Lilly, is she like your gf." She said

"No, she not. Plus she dead to me." I threw my head back so I could face Mia.

Mia looked at me for a second and before cuffing my cheeks in her hand. "Look, don't stress, I seen the video. But don't worry I kinda deleted it off of everybody's phone. You should know I'm a hacker. Not to toot my own horn but now it like the video never happens." She said letting go of my face. "Look if you want somebody to talk to, then here" she handed me her number. Then she got up and left, that's when I realized we talked the entire time.


Sorry for the wait, I got locked out of this account

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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