1. Crisis

549 11 2

Earth 1

December 3rd 2019 - One week before crisis

Alarms blared at Star Labs, as lights flashed throughout the building like a hurricane was approaching.

"Barry, We have a situation here!"

Crisis was coming. Red skies loomed over Central City as crackles of lightning echoed throughout the city. Meanwhile alarms blared in Star Labs, alerting team Flash of what was coming.

Barry prepared his friends and family for what seemed like months for this Crisis but as the alarms sounded in the building, his heart raced with the image of what was to come.

"We're out of time-"

Cisco ran into the cortex as Caitlin and their other friends followed, everyone shared the same look on their face. The look of worry and panic.

"Please don't tell me that's-"

"It's time" Cisco replied, the color seemed to drain in their faces, knowing what this crisis would bring.

The destruction of worlds, the death of heroes. A fight that could end the multiverse.

The monitor was coming to gather his heroes as Barry and his team prepared to fight the impossible, with so many universes fighting by their side.

"Barry whats the plan?" Cisco asked as the group stared at the computer screens around them. It was all over the news as their censors and satellites went crazy.

Barry returned Cisco's worried glance as the others waited for a response. He wasn't sure what to do now.

"We call everyone, Find Kara, her earth needs to be evacuated."

Cisco nodded as he grabbed a few extrapolators off the desk beside him, handing one to Barry and one to Caitlin as well.

"We're gonna need more people than Kara and her super team, I'll call Oliver- But in the mean time we should explore help outside of our universe, whatever's left that is" Barry explained as he grabbed his gear, changing in a flash.

"What about the legends?" Cisco added.

Barry nodded "Relay a message, we're gonna need more help than that though-"

With Barry's help, Oliver was raced to Central City to assist in the plan, he thought it was a hail mary, trying to do more recruiting in a time like this, but even Oliver knew they would need more power. With the press of a button a breach opened up in the cortex, just big enough for the two to get through. Cisco waved as both Barry and Oliver walked in, not knowing what they'd find.

"How many tries do you think it's gonna take before we find something?" Barry asked Oliver as they walked through the breach and into the first new Earth.

"Maybe" Oliver shrugged "Don't be surprised if it takes a while" He added.

As the two looked around they noticed this Earth was more different than the one they were used to. It was even more different than Kara's Earth.

"Barry where the hell are we?"

As the two glanced around, standing on what seemed like an abandoned street in a city like neighborhood, they heard sirens, they sounded so familiar.

"Doesn't that sound like that one movie Cisco always talks about?" Barry asked as he glanced at Oliver but he did not seem amused.

"Okay, next-"

Barry gave him a confused look "Wait, you wanna skip this earth?"

Oliver nodded "I watch movies too, I know how this goes."

Barry gave Oliver a quick nod as he opened up another breach, leading them to yet another universe, with what little hope they were holding onto. Next on the list was Earth 43, a complicated universe inhabited with many alien planets and meta humans. Hopefully.

As the two walked through the breach, a scent of fresh air hit them, like an early morning in the woods. The light blinded both Barry and Oliver as their eyes attempted to adjust to their surroundings.

Things quickly became awkward as they quickly realized where they were.

They were surrounded by what seemed like a funeral taking place near a lakeside cabin. Many people and what seemed like a few animals or metas stood, they seemed as confused and surprised as Barry and Oliver were when they appeared through the breach.

"Barry?" Oliver muttered as he slowly reached for an arrow in his quiver "Where the hell are we now?"

Barry took a quick glance at their surroundings, this universe seemed so similar to theirs, yet some of the people they stared at wasn't something Barry was quite used to.

"No clue.."

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