2. Breaches

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Bright light and the scent of fresh air was the first thing to hit Barry Allen and Oliver Queen as they stepped through the breach, into this new universe. Their curiosity quickly turned awkward as they had their first glance around.

At first Barry and Oliver noticed they were surrounded by trees and grass, a cabin resided next to them, but they quickly realized they weren't alone.

"Who are you?"

A man's voice caught the twos attention as they turned around to see a rather large group of people, majority were dressed up in black suits. It must've been a funeral.

A man wearing a black suit stepped forward as other people in the small crowd watched from afar, He wore a slick black hairstyle, and seemed to be as build as Oliver was.

"You really have impeccable timing-" Meanwhile another man followed behind him, walking towards Barry and Oliver as well. This one seemed to be taller, and had black-ish hair with a small beard.

"Who sent you?"

"Where did you come from?" Both strangers asked with such suspicion. They both had looks that could kill, no one there seemed happy to have unexpected guests.

"My name is Barry Allen, and this is my friend Oliver Queen-" He began to explain but fumbled at his words. 

"We need your help, and unfortunately it cant wait-" Oliver interrupted "Does anyone here know someone on this earth who are highly trained, or have abilities?"

A small obnoxious chuckle could be heard in the crowd as another voice spoke up, this one was scruffy and deeper. Oliver stepped aside to see who spoke but as a small raccoon figure stepped forward, Oliver couldn't help but place a finger over his temple.

Another Earth, another meta animal.

"You basically just described everyone in here, robin hood" The raccoon called out.

"Great, so that's a thing here too" Oliver groaned.

"Funny, I was just about to say the same to you, Leather Boy" The raccoon grumbled as one of his companions seemed to nudge his shoulder.

Barry quickly came in between the two, he definitely didn't want to start trouble with people they were asking for.

"Guys listen, Crisis is coming!" Barry exclaimed. No one seemed to be taking them as serious as they remotely should be. But believing is seeing.

"What Crisis'?"

"The Monitor- It would help if we knew your names? We told you ours-"

A few of the people whispered among-st themselves but the person standing in front of Oliver gave a small nod. "My name is Steve Rogers, some of these people are my team, others aren't from around here-"

"As in Aliens or earth doppelgängers?" Barry interrupted this time.

"So you have aliens where you come from?" The one called Steve asked, only to get a quick nod from both Barry and Oliver.

"We know a few aliens on our earth" Barry interjected. Oliver let out a groan. His impatience getting the best of him "Billions of lives are at stake, infinite universes including yours if you don't get off your asses and help us-"


Steve glanced at one of his peers as Barry and Oliver watched. They seemed to be whispering in private as they waited for an answer.

"What do you think Strange? You said you've seen every outcome, it this one of them?"

The man he called Strange shrugged "I saw infinite futures, it's hard to remember all of them now- but what they're saying is possible."

"We just went through hell and back with our own invasion-"

"We already lost Tony and Nat- Thanks to them we got everyone back, why risk that?"

As Steve and his group seemed to debate the topic, loud crackles sent everyone's attention to the sky.

Red and yellow lightning struck in the skies, as the bright blue sky turned bright red, similar to what was happening on Barry and Oliver mentioned. The lake rippled while the winds began to pick up, it was hard to not believe them now.

"What the hell is this Robin hood? What'd you bring here?" The raccoon exclaimed as everyone watched in disbelief.

One of the men standing next to the raccoon, wearing a red leather jacket, placed a hand on his shoulder trying to calm the rodent but it didn't seem to help.

"This is what we came to warn you about, we have to stop Mar Novu now!" Oliver insisted "He calls himself The Monitor, have you ever heard of him?"

Everyone on the little land of the lakeside cabin glanced at each other, with mostly everyone shaking their heads except Strange.

"Among some of my first days training with the elders, there was whispers of a man with infinite power, capable of destroying worlds, but it was said to be a legend- worse than Thanos-"

"Well on our earth he's real-" Oliver replied "We've seen him and he's already claimed two universes-"

"And you think ours is next?" Quil asked this time as he stepped forward joining the two in the topic as the others listened in.

Barry nodded this time as he pointed to the red skies "That's usually the first sign."

Steve shared a glance to his friend Bucky as an unsettled expression formed on his face "So how long do we have?"

"A day, maybe less" Oliver gave the unfortunate news "You'd all be safe on our earth, but we'd have to hurry-"

Another man walked into the conversation from where he stood on the porch earlier. He wore an eye patch and a black leather jacket, he didn't seem too amused.

"You just expect us to pack our things and skip town to help fight a war when we barely survived our third Invasion!"

Oliver was getting tired of the questions and hesitation. He wanted to yell at them to follow but Barry was taking the lead with his reason, but it was taking up more time than they had. Oliver was getting impatient.

Oliver held his hand out, placing one of their spare extrapolators in the palm of Steve's hand, as he used the other to open a breach of their own.

"If you guys choose to come, press that button, it'll bring you to us- but once you see the red skies closing in- A wave of Anti-matter will destroy everything in its path."

Steve gave Oliver a quick nod as he took the extrapolator, letting Fury examine it. 

"Thank you" Steve replied, his voice sounded so unsettled and uncertain, Oliver knew you couldn't save what was already broken, but Barry always held onto hope.

"Whatever happens- whatever you choose, good luck."

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