I hate you Sasuke

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Naruto's POV

I hate that Sasuke he thinks he's better than everyone else.

"Hmpf!" I crossed my arms in front of the chest.

I was sitting on a bench by my self bleeding from my cheek. Sasuke have my a good blow to the face I'll give him that.😡

I just wish he would stop being so stuck up!

"Naruto! What happened to you?"

"Iruka-Sensei!?" I averted my eyes from him.

He touched the cut on my face I winced.

"Sorry Naruto." He scratched the back of his neck.

He pulled out a small first aid kit and put a bandage on my face.

"Thanks.." I grumbled.

"Did you run into Sasuke again?" I looked at my toes. Iruka-Sensei sighed.

"What's you deal with him?"


"Well you should get home it's getting late."

"Fine." I threw myself of the bench and trudged to my empty house.

It's so lonely here. It was 7:00 I grabbed a cup of ramen from the pantry. And started boiling water. I can't make anything else I'm a six years old what do you expect I have no parents to teach me anything.

I ate my ramen and climbed into bed. I have nothing to do anyways so I might as well sleep.

Sasuke's POV

That brat can't he just shut up sometimes. I didn't want to punch him but I had no choice.

I got home and I washed my hands they were covered in scratches and Naruto's blood. I put my hand under the faucet and cold water poured into my hands.

"Ahh!" I squeezed my eyes shut from the pain.

"Ouch.." I groaned.

I walked over to the kitchen and kakashi was standing in there. He looked at my hands and saw the scratches.

"Ugh. Sasuke did you fight Naruto again?"


"Come here."

He picked me up off the ground I didn't care to fight it and he put me on the counter. He reached up to the top shelf and grabbed the first aid kit. He pulled out bandages and some sort of cream.

"This is going to sting." He took some cream on his hands and slid his fingers across my hand.

"Eek." I jumped from the sting.

"Sorry Sasuke!" I looked out the window instead of looking at him.

He them wrapped the bandages around my hands.

"There. Now Sasuke next time don't attack Naruto." He said.

"I just picked him to get him to shut up." I only did it because he was going to get him self hurt by everyone else.

I started to leave until Kakashi stopped me.

"Hey. You want a tomato sandwich?" He looked at me with a big grin. I nodded and sat down at the table.

He slid over a sandwich and a glass of milk.


"No problem kid." He walked passed me and ruffled my hair. I hate when he does that.

After my sandwich I went to my room. I sat on the floor and stared at my wall. Eventually I heard a knock on my window. I looked over and it was my cat. I opened the window and let him crawl inside.

He's a soft black cat very small and cuddley. He doesn't have a name he's just a stray. But I like him. Kakashi won't let me get a cat because eof his 8 dogs. I hate them they're always barking at nothing it's stupid.

I heard kakashi knock on my door.

"Can I come in Sasuke?"

"Just a minute."

I grabbed my cat and put him back outside.

"Sorry." I kissed him on the nose, closed the window and the blinds.

"Come in."

Kakashi walked in and sat down on my bed messing up the sheets.

"What is it."

"Well I was just thinking, what if you tried being friends with Naruto."

"I tried being nice but he hates me so I stopped trying."

"Well maybe he just needs to see the real you." He stood up and put his hand near my head. I moved and he missed.

"Heh. Goodnight Sasuke."

"Hm." I layed down and stared at my ceiling until I fell asleep.


Yay first new book in a while. I have overly missed this and want to do it more and I feel like I can now so I will try my best. I love you guys.

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