chapter 10

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Eddies pov

My lips tingled from the contact they had just received, My arms still around doms neck and his hand still on my cheek, I was at a loss for words... It felt so fucking right to kiss him, His lips were plump and luscious and they fit perfectly with mine, All I wanted to do was pull him back into me but we've been sitting in this room for hours and my stomach started growl 

"as much as I would love to suck face with you, Food is a necessity more than a want" I lighten my grip around his neck and i stand up from the bench.

"Let's order some take Chinese?" dom smiles and asks while he sits on the bench

"pizzas fine darling" I respond and I hand dom his phone that was sitting on the floor. "Maybe we can watch a film?" 

"of course, but we'll have to watch it in my room cos Adam hogs the downstairs telly" I nodded trying not to show that im fucking freaking out. Iv never seen doms room in the week I was staying here I never saw it, I didn't even know where it was at, It wasn't upstairs cos its only mine, the music room and the bathroom, Adams room were downstairs next to the kitchen, of course there was a door leading to the basement could that be his?

"What kind of pizza you want love?" He snaps me out of my thoughts 

"just cheese...Oh! and breadsticks?" I ask while I put my head down

"Of course malady" He hits a button on his phone ad walks out of the room and back down the stairs, I can't help but smile, Did I really just makeout with Dominick fucking Harrison, Sing with Dominick fucking Harrison and now im going to go watch a film with Dominick fucking Harrison? How did my life turn from me being high as shit to making out with a fucking celebrity?

I push my thoughts aside and walk back downstairs to see dom just hanging up the phone.

"You ready to go downstairs?" Well, that confirms my thought, doms room was in the basement. I nod and let dom lead the way. He walks us down the wooden stairs and into his room, the room had guitars and records covering the wall, Abed and a dresser right next to it, A black and pink bench laid at the end of the bed and a tv on the wall across from it. On the other side was a bathroom and racks of clothing, 

"what you wanna watch?"

"erm...anything, I don't really mind" With that dom puts in a random movie and sits on the bed, me still standing I start to walk around his room admiring the decor.

"you know im more than happy to decorate your room" 

"why would I need my room decorated Dominick?" I look towards him

"just to make it feel like home"

"I love your offer but I don't even know what home feels like" I walk over standing in front of dom and he pulls me down so im laying on my back, Him on top of me

"let's find out" I can't do anything but smile at his comment as he moves off of me, tugging at my arms helping me onto my feet, He informs me he's going to use the restroom and I nod as he walks off, I think back to the conversation. Does he want me to feel like I can call this home? I mean I never really called a place home, Even when I lived with my family I would always say 'im going back to my parents.' I mean I would love to call this 'home' but I mean what if me and dom don't work out, The kiss earlier made me feel a way iv never felt about someone, Iv never even have had sex, at least not willingly, Witch is surprising cos I was on the street but I would get money from occasional cleaning gigs at bars and restaurants. I shake out of my thoughts and i sit back down on the bed leaning my back against the headboard realizing the movie was just about to start, The bed shifts and dom sits next to me with a fresh smell of deodorant And Adam rushes down pizza in hand

"I may have stolen a piece or two," He says while putting the pizza and breadsticks down and running back upstairs with a cheeky grin, Me and dom both left giggling at Adams behavior, Dom hands me a piece and i take small bites as we continue the movie


doms pov

Throughout the movie, Eddie has tangled her arms around me and by the end, she was completely asleep, She was quite beautiful when she slept, Her lips slightly parted and her breathing quiet and slow,I move from her grasp careful not to wake her and I walk around the room taking the movie out of the player, I walk into my bathroom and start brushing my teeth when I hear knocking at the door causing me to jump, it was Eddie

"sorry..." She exclaims 

"don't be love, you just startled me" I finish rinsing my mouth with water, I realize She looks exhausted, Bags under her eyes and her face was pale her cheeks not having there normal pink hue. 

"you alright?" I ask with a face full of concern, she nods not saying anything I look closer and I can tell she's trying to hold back tears, I hold my arms open and she rushed into them releasing her sobs into my chest. "what's wrong....what is it" 

"I had another.... d-d-dream about my..... brother"She stutters into my chest and i tighten my grip, I didn't know what to say, Her sobs were becoming less apparent and her breathing was beginning to steady so maybe it was just silence is what she needed 

"thank you," She says in between sniffles, I kiss her head and lead her back to the bed laying her down under the covers, lay beside her and she quickly clings onto me her arms wrapped around my torso and her head lying in the crook of my neck, I start to massage her head with my hand and we both doze off to sleep.


leave recommendations on what you think should happen, i always have a plan going into a chapter but it changes halfway through so I don't even know how this book is going to end tbh

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