Chapter 25

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(a/n idk what happens after u die, or when ur in between life or death, Idk what happens when ur in a coma. Scientist proves that you can still feel and hear when ur in a medically induced coma so the way I wrote is the way I would hope is how comas are. also may be triggering for some people)

(also imma get real right quick, tell the people you care for that you love them before you can't anymore, I lost my grandpa, uncle, and bio dad all in the span of 2 months and I never told them I loved them because it never really came up, and it hurts to know that they passed without them knowing I cared, SO moral of this is, tell your friends, your family your boyfriend/ girlfriend, that you love them, don't hold back all because you're scared how they'll react, I promise you it'll easier in the long run)

Eddies pov

Nurses were running around yelling random medical terms I couldn't understand, Confusion washes over me as I look down at my self, I wasn't earing my normal clothes I was wearing a regular hospital gown, no shoes or socks.  

'why am I not cold'. I mumble to myself, I turn around and walk over to the receptionist, SHe doesn't look up, I clear my throat and she still doesn't lookup.  "Excuse me" Still nothing, "HELLO WHY ARNT YOU PAYING ATTENTION TO ME YOU BIT-"

"sissy?" I snap my head around and almost collapse at the sight of my brother, wearing his favorite black skinny jeans and his red sweatshirt. I stand there frozen in complete shock. His face was complete concern. I take a slow shaky breath and take a step forward

"E-E-Eric?" I stutter out, my anxiety completely leaving and happiness filling my body. I run towards him, jumping on him with no warning. I feel his chest vibrate against mine as he chuckled, He hugs me tightly before hesitantly putting me down back on my feet, his smile turning right back to concern. 

"Eddie, why are you here?"

"where even is 'here' eric?" 

"You're in between life and death, your body is in a coma" I furrow my eyes as I take it what he just said, A coma? how the hell am I in a coma for taking pain killers? I look around and make contact with a very shaken up dom his face red and puffy, tear stains all down his cheeks, I immediately run over stopping in front of him.

"Dom!, Im here! what's wrong!" He doesn't answer, doesn't even recognize im in front of him, instead, he keeps his gaze through a glass door. I turn around and gasp at the sight. There I sat in a hospital bed, Tubes in my throat, Ivs in my arms. I looked pale and lifeless if it wasn't for the heart monitor next to me you would think I was dead. I wanted to cry but I couldn't, my body just wouldn't let me. I turn back around to see dom standing emotionless trying not to let new tears fall.  "Baby im right here, WHY CAN'T YOU SEE ME IM RIGHT HERE!" I yell out attempting to hit his chest but it was no use he couldn't hear me, he couldn't feel me. As I attempt to cup his cheeks in my hands he starts to turn and walk away. I turn back to eric, face full of sadness

"How can you see me but he cant!?" I yell walking over to stand in front of my brother, Standing up straight, I took in his features, The same tan skin as I remember his long dark hair featuring his face. The scar above his eyebrow from hitting his face on a car door

"Like I said, Eddie, your in-between life and death you have to decide if you want to live, If you stay here and if you don't fight to live you'll be with me but the thing is Eddie, I don't want you here it's not your time" 

"No, Hell no eric I just got you back im not leaving" I exclaim, i couldn't just leave him 

"And what about dom Eddie? He needs you, fucking look at him" Without a warning, Eric turns me around harshly my eyes immediately landing on dom and Adam, Dom's face is in his hands his shoulders rocking up and down due to sobs, Adam looking numb with guilt. My heart instantly brakes at the sight. 

"That's a dick move eric" I whisper out, Looking back over at my lifeless body. I can see my brother standing next to me in my side vision, I love dom and I want to be with him but I love my brother and I want to be with him too. I start to feel overwhelmed as I think about my options how am I supposed to just choose one of them on the spot. Beeps suddenly occur from my hear monitor making any nearby nurse run in and my snap out of my thoughts. I turn to eric whose face is full of concern

"Your running out of time Eddie, Live...choose life and live for both of us, live for dom. Be one of those couples that we would always make fun of because we were jealous, Please Eddie"

"I don't wanna leave you bubba, I just got you back" 

"ill be with you Eddie, not physically but ill watch over you just please choose life"

"I love you eric"

"I love you too sissy," He pulls me into a tight hug, I immediately hug back. Taking in his embrace planning on cherishing it for as long as I can 

"Now, do you choose life?"

I hesitantly nod into his shoulder, And almost immediately everything turns white and eric disappears from my line of sight his touch leaving my body, When abruptly everything goes dark, and pain sets in. My headaches, my stomach screaming, all of my muscles are burning, I cant feel everything again and I can hear the beeing if machines next to me, my eyes flutter open but soon shut as the lights above me make my eyes ache. I start to move causing a low sob to erupt fro my throat as my mussels feel like there gonna explode

"Eddie!" I groan at the loud Scottish accent, immediately registering it as Adam. His face hovers above mine, a sad smile plastered on his face. Immediately every memory before I passed out, floods my mind, the pills, the dizziness, the feeling of regret, dom.  I shoot up out of bed ignoring my body screaming in pain and the now loud distressed beeps from my heart monitor. I can feel the tears trying to erupt from my eyes but I ignore them I want dom, I need dom, I need to tell him, sorry, I need to tell him I love him.

 I pull out the iv in my arm initiating me scream out in pain, "Eddie calm down, please lay back" ignoring his constant cries for me to lay down, I attempt to stand and blurriness takes over my vision. I can see in my side vision several husky male nurses rush into the room, immediately trying to restrain me, I grow frustrated, struggling to fight off the several hands on my body that are pushing me down to the bed

"NO, GET OFF ME, ADAM WHERES DOM" he shakes his head and doesn't respond instead he helps them force me down, I continue to struggle under all of there strengths, ignoring the feeling of the sticky blood stream down my arm from the puncture sight of my iv, the pounding in my head becoming more severe. 

One of the male nurses holds me down by the shoulder as the other holds me down by the legs, Adam holding my arms down tightly. "ADAM PLEASE, WHERES DOM" I yell, I just wanted dom, I would calm down if I had dom but they wouldn't understand if I said that.

Female nurses rush in, a syringe full of clear liquid in hand. I let my body go limp giving up on fighting, I letting out loud curses as they plunge the needle into my bicep almost immediately a drowsy feeling washes over me as the male nurses take away their hands Adams hand squeezing mine. I look over to see him, silent tears streaming down his face. I mumble out an 'im sorry' before I look over towards the door a figure standing there in black pants and a black and white striped shirt, my vision goes blurry as slumber try to fight with me, I lower my gaze to see bright pink socks and I immediately smile. "dom..." I mumble out just before sleep takes over

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