chapter 13

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doms pov

I pull into the studio parking lot looking over at Eddie who fell asleep on the way here, My feelings for Eddie have double over the two weeks of us knowing each other, I get that were moving fast but It just feels so right, I never thought I believed in 'love at first sight' but I think this is what mine and eddies relationship is. 

A knock coming from my windows causes me to jump out of my thoughts, looking out I see Adam and ben, I nod my head quickly and gently start to shake Eddie awake, She soon jolts awake and rubs her tired eyes causing me to smile. 

"Sorry to wake ya, but we're here" 

"no, im glad you did" She responds and we both quickly get out of the car, Adam and Ben smirking as I take her hand in mine as we walk to the back door of the studio. 

"So lovebirds?" Me and Eddie both roll out eyes and look over to Adam, "your finally official, I saw the Instagram post, People are probably going crazy trying to find you on social media" 

"there not gonna have a lot of luck, I don't have any social media.. and we didn't even put my name if they find out somehow and they search 'Eddie Meyers' they won't find anything to do with me" She quickly says back, as she lays her head onto my shoulder.

"why don't you make social media?" Ben quickly asks and Eddie tenses

"My parents would never allow it when I lived with them, so I guess me never making an account kinda stuck with me" Ben nods are her response and the two boys walk into the back, Eddie looks up at me her hazel orbs filled with confusion

"what is it?"

"do they not know?" 

"they know you're getting sober but they don't know the reason behind what caused you to choose that life" she nods and we walk into the back, there lied a keyboard in the middle and guitars witch the boys already picked up, There was a camera crew with camera scattered everything to catch different angles.

"Dom! you're at the keyboard well be starting in 15 minutes" A white-collar looking guy quickly says and I nod i look over to Eddie who seems overwhelmed, I pull her into the couch that sat at the other side behind the cameras. 

"you seem confused" I pulled her into my lap causing her to giggle

"I just never thought id be witnessing stuff like this" She grabs my hand and starts to draw patterns on the back of it, I knew Eddie sang and she sang well. I want her to give my manager a demo, but I have no idea if shell do it. 

"hey dom sorry but were starting early, somthing came up and I gotta be out of her in 30 minutes," The same guy tells me and i move Eddie off my lap setting her down on the couch quickly giving her a kiss and sitting at the keyboard.

Eddies pov

I lied to dom when he asked me if I was confused, I mean yeah I never thought id be here, let alone with him, but the neighborhood we're in is my old one. My abusive shit hole parents live not even 5 minutes away, the place my brother committed suicide not even 5 minutes away, The place were I was sexually and physically abused not even 5 minutes away, I didn't wanna tell dom, he was happy and I knew if I told him he would have drove me straight home. I couldn't even focus on dom singing as memories started to fill my head, when I closed my eyes I saw my dad, laying over me. I could feel my brother's blood filling the floor and toothing my knees, I could hear my mom yelling at me. My legs start to bounce and tears start to fill my eyes, I didn't even know dom finished his song and was talking to the director. My stomach starts to turn and I feel the sudden urge to throw up, looking around I see the bathroom sign and quickly dart in there, thank the lord it wasn't stalls, I sit my on my knees, head over the toilet ready to throw up but nothing comes out, I hear the door slam open looking over I see dom, eyes full of concern, I get off my knees and sit with my back against the wall, Dom quickly walks over to me. 

"im fine bubs" I mumble out as he pushes a strand of hair behind my ear that fell out of my braid, "I guess the nerves caught up to me" 

"Let's go get you some food, there's a shop across the street" Yeah the shop my mom would send me too, to get stuff for dinner because 'she didn't feel like it', I didn't tell him that though, as much as I wanted to, I couldn't. He helps me up onto my feet and we walk out the door across the street and into the shop, We walked around for a little until I decide just to get a sandwich, dom grabs some water and we make out way to the self-checkout. Dom cracking jokes looking into the monitor above the register and I can't help but giggle, He pays and I groan about it and we walk outside

"Eddie?" we both stop in our tracks, and I look over to where the voice came from, My eyes become wide with realization causing me to drop the bag I was carrying. I can feel doms worried eyes lingering on the side of my face, A tear runs down my cheek.

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