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Time skip, the girls are now 16

Julia's Pov

"OMG! You have to go! This is your first high school party!"

 Alyssa is bouncing up and down on my bed while I sit on my beanbag.  She does this a lot, try to get me to go to social events. She has been doing it since we met all those years ago. I know she means well and I really want to go but I never can bring myself to do so. I was diagnosed with social anxiety when I was eight. The thought of interacting with other people scares me. People can be unpredictable. They might seem to like you but you never truly know what they are thinking. People can easily lie. Alyssa, my mum and my ama* are the only three people in this world that I trust to always tell me the truth. Even still, it took me a long time to fully trust Alyssa. I didn't even let her come to my house for three years knowing her. 

* Ama is known to be one of the names that non-binary parents are called

It didn't help with my trust issues when I was around 13, I found out that I was a lesbian, although I guess it runs in the family, considering that my parents are Syd and Elena. On top of my already existing worries, the fear of homophobia was added. That was a dark time, I withdrew myself from my parents and Alyssa, I forgot to eat and drink and I felt like the whole world was against me.  I felt a lot better when Alyssa came out to me. She prefers the term queer. She just wants to love who she wants to love and not have a label control that. I came out to her right after she did. We never really think about each others sexuality, we both believe that it shouldn't be a controlling factor of our friendship. 

Alyssa also comes from an LGBTQ+ family. She has two mums, Casey and Izzie. They seem like nice people but I don't know them enough to trust them, even if they are Alyssa's parents.

"Hello? Earth to Julia. You good?" I snapped back to reality, Alyssa was now sitting cross-legged on my bed. 

"Oh... yea.. sorry." 

"Look, you don't have to go to the party if you don't want to. We can just stay at your house and have a movie marathon. Do you want to do that?"

I nod quietly. Although she is my best friend and I know that she would do anything for me, I can't help but notice a tiny bit of disappointment behind her smile.

"You can go to the party if you want to. I'll be fine on my own."

"No way! Anywhere that you are not there is never fun! I would much rather spend my time with you than with the three snobby bitches that go by the name Heather."

Alyssa's Pov

I am not going to lie, I was sort of looking forward to that party. But Julia is my favourite person on this earth. She comes first before anyone. That is the way it has been since I was five. I barely remember a life without her. 

I trust her with my life. She was the first person I came out to. Yes, I knew my mums would be accepting of me but there is always that small seed of doubt in your brain. That fear of the unknown. You are not 100% sure how someone will react until you tell them and by then, if they react badly, it is too late. I battled this fear for many years. I came out to my parents only just last year. They took it well. It is actually quite nice having family that go through the same stuff that you do. 

Sorry for a lot of world-building, I promise that the next few chapters will not be like this

(667 words)

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