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The grill is filled with people. All kinds of people too, they all have their own stories, and all coming from different places.

I like to read people, try and give them all their own stories. Guessing what their parents were like, if they still lived in their basement. Who had a dog, or a cat. Who like to drink coffee, who like to drink tea. I like that that one has a boyfriend, she's definitely a lesbian. That boy over there, major daddy issues. The woman in the red dress, she has a pretty little ring on her finger, engaged. She's engaged to some man, maybe a top CEO. Definitely in it just for the money. The girls in the corner table over there, all under age, runaways.

I like to make up these assumptions for these people, it makes the time here much more interesting. I know that they all have their own stories, whether I'm right or not. They all have their own secrets to share, scars to show, and intentions to follow through with.  every single person all have one thing in common though. They are all tough. They have all seen the worst parts of life. They all know how to defend for themselves.

You find these kind of people here. There's these kind of people everywhere, but they tend to gather and places like these. Places where there around others like themselves, where they don't have to feel judged. Not even the worst people are judged here because everyone knows that they're all shit. The 'scum' of the population. But if you ask me, these are the best kinds of people. The people who've seen it all. The people with countless stories to tell.

And there is no physical expectations here. There are whites, blacks, asians, hispanics. Old grandmas to young teens. The most physically fit men and women to a disabled man or an old scrawny man with a hunchback. Rich, poor. Handsome, ugly, you name it. Hell, your friendly neighbor, the newly balding g man with cargo shorts and three kids he teaches to now the lawn at 7 am could end up in a place like this.

It's oddly comforting.

Yoongi laces his fingers with mine, holding onto my hand tightly while stroking the top of my hand with his thumb. Very gently, and oh so comforting. I squeeze his hand a bit as he pours another  drink for himself. The food smells amazing here. It's a small place, but in my opinion the smaller locally known places have the best people and the best food. Yoongi sets his glass down on the table after a sip and kisses my forehead softly. I smile and lightly press my forehead against his, then place a small kiss on his nose.

Love doesn't always have to be expressed through words, not through 'i love you's' or compliments all the time. What really counts is actions. The way you interact with that person, and the things that you actually do for that person not the things that you say that you would do for that person. Although words are important to, a simple kiss on the nose or forehead can replace one thousand words. And I can tell you, this is love.

Time passes and many drinks have been drunken, and many plates have been completely devoured. A couple of friends saw us there and we all ended up eating a big meal together. It's so nice to see friends you dont see so often. It makes the time with them even more valuable and memorable.

With both of us carrying major foodbabies, we attempt to wave down a taxi back to our apartment. Yoongi is ju.ping and hollering to every taxi in sight, all of them already taken.

"It is 12 already, which is a busy hour." I giggle and run up behind him, wrapping my arms around him, snuggling up into his warm back.

"You wanna just start walking then? Shall I carry you my prince?" He chuckled and swooped around, turning to face me then picking me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck and give another smug laugh.

"Ah yes my king. Thy prince is weary and dreadfully tired and in need of the physical contact of affection known as cuddles and snuggles." I kiss his forehead and smile like an idiot as he waddles up the sidewalk and back, carrying my around in circles.

"Thou shall receive many cuddles and snuggles soon my dear. " he smiles back, a toothy cute smile that I love oh so much. His little gums show and his nose crinkles up, making this big ol tattooed tall and scary man look like a big ol teddy bear. He makes me forget about my pain. We could live like this, just the two of us.

But we both know that we need more, our puzzle isn't quite complete yet.

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