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What you want  vminjoon (that's rare...)



Jimin wants to watch his friend fuck his boyfriend.

A/n: if you are uncomfortable with this please leave because in my last book that I have deleted people said that that was nasty, so if your negative like that please, leave we don't need your negativity😑

Namjoon looks nervous when Jimin opens the door.

"Hi," he says. He's wearing dark jeans and fiddling with the sleeves of his shirt.

Jimin doesn't think about it before he steps in and kisses Namjoon's cheek. Quick and chaste and friendly, a move to put Namjoon more at ease. It works, though in a roundabout way. Jimin rocks back onto his heels and second guesses himself, and seeing him bite his lip in embarrassment seems to help Namjoon set aside his own. He takes a breath and smiles more genuinely.

Jimin smiles back. "Taehyung's just in the living room. I thought we'd sit and talk for a bit?"

They've already agreed on that being how the night starts. They head into the apartment and Jimin sits next to his boyfriend, snuggling under Taehyung's arm. Namjoon takes a chair across from them.

Namjoon looks nice, though not like he's dressed up for a date. Jimin and Taehyung too are dressed casually. Jimin has a sweater he hides his face in when Namjoon and Taehyung say something that makes him laugh. Taehyung is the only one of the three who is wearing anything special. His collar is already visible, a simple scrap of white fabric that could easily pass for innocent.

Jimin leans his head on Taehyung's shoulder as they talk about TV and Namjoon's classes and their jobs and all three of them relax a little bit. There's a lull in conversation and Jimin slides his hand over the back of Taehyung's neck. Taehyung takes a breath that's just barely audible.

Tension builds and no one steps up to fill the silence. Taehyung fidgets slightly in his seat. Jimin sits back and plays with the hair at the back of Taehyung's neck.

"Want to kiss him?"

He directs the question at Namjoon. The scene won't start until they switch to the bedroom but it fits to ask that way, to ease them into the roleplay, and at Taehyung's pliant sigh it's clear he's already falling into it.

"Is that okay?" Namjoon asks.

Instead of answering with words Taehyung nods and lifts his chin up. Namjoon looks at Jimin and Jimin laughs. "Needy," he says and tugs on Taehyung's hair.

Taehyung wrinkles his nose and pouts his lips until it looks like he's making a duck face. Namjoon obligingly stands up and crosses the room. He hesitates as he leans down and his eyes flick towards Jimin.

Jimin smiles and tries to look like his heart isn't trying to beat its way out of his chest. Taehyung's made out with a few people in front of him after they started dating, but never anyone they were about to both sleep with.

The pause goes on too long, and Taehyung frowns and taps his lips.

"Look at how much he wants it," Jimin says, a little breathless.

Namjoon leans down and kisses Taehyung. It's short and a little awkward with Taehyung's lips in a fish pout but when Namjoon pulls away he doesn't go very far. Within the space of a breath he kisses Taehyung again.

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