Chapter 2 { The Invitation }

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“Hey! You're Andrew David, right?” came a voice from behind Andre.

Andre turned in his chair to see a girl about his age with very thick black hair that even though it was in a high ponytail, it still framed her hips. Her skin was evenly tanned and she had chocolate brown eyes. Her teeth were white and straight. Her cheekbones were high. She had many curves and a big chest. It was hard not to notice that because she was wearing skin tight clothes that showed off her arms and legs. In the words of a teenager, she was smoking hot.

“It's Andre Davis,” he replied.

“Oh. Right. It's fancy seeing you here. We have gym class together.”

It took him a few seconds, but then he remembered.

“Journey. Journey Bird.”

“Yep. That's me. I'm Native American. That's why I have such an odd name.”

“It's pretty.”

“Thank you!” She gave him a hug and clang to his neck.

Andre wasn't sure how to react. He rather she didn't hug him so intimately, but it seemed very rude to push her away. He wondered why she was suddenly talking to him. She had never even gave him so much as a glance before. Of course, Desiree's timing was spot on. She was back from the bathroom and stopped in front of the table to give Journey an odd look.

“And you are?” she asked skeptically.

Journey stopped her light swinging and stared blankly at Desiree.

“Desiree, this is Journey. She's from my gym class. Journey, this is Desiree, my girlfriend,” Andre explained quickly, hoping he wasn't starting anything. Desiree had been known to jump the gun at unnecessary times.

Desiree plastered a big fake smile on her face. “How nice,” she said sarcastically.

Journey scoffed and flipped her hair with a glare before turning her attention back to Andre, all her earlier enthusiasm returning. “So Andre. One of my friends is having a party and she wanted me to invite you. You can bring as many guests as you want. The more, the merrier,” she explained in her stuck-up voice. She went into her small prissy purse and handed him an invitation before turning on her heel and flipping her hair again.

“Bitch,” Desiree mumbled under her breath.

Andre looked at the invite. He knew the place that it was addressed to be held at. It was a giant house only a couple of blocks from his. If he thought his was absurdly big, than this house was the lord of absurdity. It was about twice the size of his, if not more. The party's date was tomorrow and it said on it that it had an open bar and there were drugs for sale there. He sighed. He hated parties. He was about to rip it up when Desiree took it from his hands to read it.

“Ooh! I know this place! Let's all go!” she exclaimed.

By all, he knew right away that she meant them, Keo, and Phoenix. He shook his head. “You know I hate parties, alcohol, and drugs. Those three things are at the top of my hate list. Right beside mangoes and wet socks.”

“Oh quit being a baby. You're going.”

“What if I don't want to?”

“Then you're out of luck because what I say goes.”

Andre made an undignified noise, but made no denial. Desiree smiled triumphantly. She didn't give him much of a choice. It was either have a girlfriend and go to the party or be stuck with a girlfriend from Hell and spend your time being alone. Very, very alone.

They got up and exited the McDonald's. They had decided to go there because they wanted to walk somewhere and that place was nearby. They began to walk back to where Andre lived. When they got there, they got into Andre's car and he drove them to Keo's. He already knew Keo was home while Phoenix was out with his sister and brother. He knocked at the door. Keo's father, Saxon, opened the door for them. Keo looked a bit like Saxon. They had the same black eyes and thin build. But Saxon was very tall, as in taller than Andre who stood at exactly six foot. Keo, on the other hand, was short like his mother, Catherine. Keo was only five inches past five foot, making him two inches taller than Catherine.

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