Chapter 4 { Lucky Encounter }

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“And let us always be safe and loved by God unlike the homosexual abominations that have turned away from God and to Satan. Amen,” finished the priest.

All the people that were sitting on the pews stood up and said “Amen” in unison after the priest had said it. They all began to exit the church in orderly fashion. Andre stood behind his parents. The only time he was really ever in their presences was on Sunday during church. His mother could never seem to sit still and his father could never seem to ever leave work. They both ignored him and Andre was fine with that as long as he had a place to stay, clothes to wear, and food to eat.

For the past few weeks, Andre had slowly began to notice a lot of things about homosexuality being wrong and illegal all around him and somehow it kept annoying him. It had always been there, but it was like he just noticed it. As if his mind was finally clear. He wasn't sure what to make of it. It excited and scared him at the same time.

When he exited the church, he followed his parents to his father's black Maybeach 62. His parents just gave off an elite aura around them. Not to mention their cold stares. Andre didn't look very much like his father, Robert. He was buff and about five inches taller than Andre with dirty blond hair that didn't even reach his ears and brown eyes. Andre look more like his mother, Linda. While Robert's features were like chiseled into him as if he were stone, Linda's and Andre's were more effeminate and soft. They had the same golden blond locks, dark green eyes, and lightly tanned skin. Linda's hair just came down to mid-back while Andre's was a bit longer than ear length. She was also half a foot shorter than him. Obviously, they were all gorgeous. Andre knew his parents married each other for their looks and he turned out handsome because he came from two supermodel parents.

Right before Andre opened his door, he looked around the church, taking in its usual beautiful arrangement. It had gardens of blossoming autumn flowers surrounding a statue of Mary holding baby Jesus. The cherry trees that surrounded the church were currently red, orange, and yellow.

“Andre?” called a voice.

He turned his head towards it and saw Journey walking up to him wearing skinny jeans and a jacket. It was an odd thing to skip church, but in a way, he wasn't surprised. He tensed a bit when she came closer to him.

“What are you doing here, Journey?” he asked.

“I live near here,” she answered.

It was kind of weird talking to her after what had happened between them two days ago. They were silent for a few seconds.

“Andre...” she started.


“I'm sorry about what happened at the party. I was drunk off my ass and I'm just glad Luck stopped me before I did anything even stupider.”

Luck? Andre was guessing that was the nickname she had given to that pretty boy from the party like she called Jarrett “Mint Chocolate”. He was guessing Jarrett was called that because his hair was streaked dark brown and lime green.

“It's alright.”

He was a bit surprised she apologized for her actions. Maybe she wasn't the bitch he thought she was.

She looked up at him like she was about to burst into tears. “Thanks for pardoning me and thank you for not taking advantage of me.”

“I would never do that.”

“Just drive me HOME!” screamed Linda from the passenger's seat of Robert's car. They were fighting, again.

Before he could grab the handle and get into the car, his dad drove away at top speed. They forgot him. Again. It sucked walking home from where he was since his house was three miles away and he didn't know anyone out here. He heaved a frustrated sigh.

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