Chapter 3 { Opening Old Wounds }

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Andre stood in a corner awkwardly. There were a few other boys standing there with him. They looked depressed and had acne covered faces. It was obvious they were there because none of the girls wanted to dance with them. Every few minutes, a girl came up to Andre and asked him to dance, but he declined each time. The party was just as wild as he thought it would be. Over half of the members of it were already drunk and their dancing was more of grinding. Desiree had tried to get Andre to dance with her, but she gave up after awhile and vanished amongst the crowd. Every so often, Andre would notice Phoenix or Keo dancing with a random girl.

Andre sighed before making his way over to the bathroom. He opened the door to see a girl giving a guy a blow job, so he slammed it closed again. His face was completely red as he navigated his way through the dance floor. Girls ground against his legs and drunk boys mistook him as a girl somehow as he made his way through it. Finally, he reached the hallways and tried to find his way to another bathroom. In the hallways, there were several couples making out and even a few smoking weed.

After he found and used the bathroom, he tried to retrace his steps. He saw the same lone boy from earlier, so he knew he was on the right track. The boy had grungy hair and glassy eyes. He took another hit of pot as Andre passed and grabbed his wrist.

“Hey, man. Want a hit?” he requested with a slight monotone voice, almost completely out of it.

Andre stared at the pipe, wide eyed. He felt so much desire to take it and smoke, just like the old times. It had been so long that he vaguely remembered the feeling of the after affects. His hand slowly reached for it. It had been so so so long. Surely it had been long enough for him to be able to control his need for it. No! He didn't need it! He didn't! He didn't! He stopped his hand and retracted it, clenching his shirt with it, right before it came in contact with the pipe. He continued the chant in his head as he shook his head mechanically.

When the boy let him go, he did a mad dash down the hall. After a few minutes, he stopped and leaned against the wall. He slowly slid down the wall until he was sitting on the ground and started to bawl. There was no one else in the hallway except a girl who was passed out on the floor, so it was like he was alone. He felt pathetic and in control at the same time, if that made any sense.

“Whoa. Dude. Are you okay?” came a voice.

Andre looked up to see a tall boy about his age. His hair was dark brown with lime green streaks that went halfway down his biceps. He was slightly chubby and his right eyebrow was pierced. Dark clothes covered his pale skin all the way from the neck down except for his fingers that shown out of his fingerless gloves. His brown almond-shaped eyes looked at him worriedly.

Andre nodded as he quickly wiped his eyes with his sleeves.

“I think that's a lie. Why are you crying? Are you lost? Because I can't help you there. I'm lost, too,” he laughed as he knelt down in front of him.

“I think I know the way back to the dance floor, but I don't want to go there quite yet,” he answered.

“It is pretty quiet over here. I guess it's nice.”

Andre lightly smiled at him.

“So anyways, I'm Jarrett,” the Asian boy said as he stuck out his hand in greeting.

“Andre,” he replied as he shook it.

Jarrett sat down on the floor beside him and leaned his back against the wall. While sitting, he was a bit taller than Andre since his height was mostly from his legs.

“I came here with my sister and two of my friends. It didn't take me long to get lost. I have a horrible sense of direction,” he chuckled.

“I came here with my girlfriend and two best friends. I went to the hallways to get away for a bit. I don't like parties that much.”

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