Hold My Hand

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The blond and the greenette were walking side by side through the huge beautiful garden. Through out the journey Katsuki would proudly name every flower that took the attention of his companion. Every now and then they would sometimes stop, so the little girl would admire the beautiful view.

“Your garden is really big Kacchan!” Izumi said moving her arms up making a big arc action.
“Wait till you see the mansion, not as huge as the garden but its way more cooler than this.” He said grinning. For some point Katsuki is enjoying the little greenette girl’s company. He never actually had a great time playing with other kids, and even though his parents would give him any toy or grant his wishes there is always missing, that he wanted to figure out and get. He was never actually granted to play outside their residence and if ever there would be always following him whenever he goes. If he was bored he goes to the garden or to his secret place in the forest not far from their house, the forest was their property and it was located beyond their backyard.

Katsuki was spacing out thinking that maybe he can show Izumi his secret place, it’s just that it was the feeling he has at the moment. Now not noticing, Izumi wonders around when she suddenly saw something familiar far from they were standing. She started running towards it leaving the little blond still thinking of something and didn’t notice her depart. Izumi is always taking over by her curiousness that she forgets some things just to feed up her curiosity within her. 

“We should probably go now I –“ as Katsuki turn his head to Izumi he realized she was not there then he starts to get panic. “Izu!Izu! HEY!Where are you?!! IZUMI?!!” he started to run shouting her name, just then he saw something green moving in the direction where there are dandelions he quickly went there.

And there she is happily picking dandelions then closing her eyes and blowing it. Katsuki sigh in relief seeing her, it was the first time he felt that feeling but of course he won’t admit it.
“OI!” Izumi turn around towards the voice, “Oh!,hey Kacchan!” she says smiling brightly still holding on to some dandelions. “Geez! I can’t believe you just disappear on me like that, now I know how you were separated from your mom.” He said scratching the back of his head. She lowered her head the smile quickly disappeared, “I’m sorry Kacchan, I should not have run away like that without a word.” Then tears started to flow from her eyes, and now she was sobbing thinking how stupid that she got separated twice from her companions.

“Hey, I’m just saying don’t do that again, okay?” he said reassuring her. He sighs, “If only I know you were a crybaby. You know what your hair has the same color as the bushes, if you were not moving a while ago I couldn’t have recognize you.” He said with a cheery and jokingly tone, Izumi giggled and lift her head up. “So, Kacchan is not angry at me?” “Why would I, there’s no particular reason at all. Being angry is not the case it’s more of being worr – “ he stopped himself saying that before he got embarrassed. Izumi stare at him puzzlingly wondering if there’s something wrong. As she was about to say something Katsuki spoke, “Do you know how to make flower crown?” avoiding the topic a while ago. She beamed to it but she said she never made any of it before it was always her mom making it and giving it to her.

“Ok then I’ll just make one then.” He was relieved that she was smiling again and it makes him somehow happy about it. He remembered how one of their butlers have thought him how to make a flower crown and saying that girls love it, it never actually crossed into his mind about it and now his making one.

“Done! Izu come closer I’ll put it on your head.” Izumi gets closer then Katsuki placed the flower crown on her head, “There perfect!” “Thanks Kacchan!” and she hug him now stumbling down on the soft grass as the dandelions were blown now dancing in the air. They laughed and help to stand up together, “We should go now, there’s a shortcut here going to the front doors.” Katsuki then held up his hands for Izumi. “Hold my hand, don’t want you getting lost again.” Izumi took his hands and giggled on his comment.

Now their journey has started yet once again, with their hands now holding each other. With happy faces evident not only in their faces but also in their hearts, feeling that they had found something they would surely treasure from the bottom of their hearts. Their bond has been formed the moment they had felt each other’s gazes. The ones who have been seeking will surely find they are searching for.

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