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Bad as it may have started everything went well at the end of the day. Sitting comfortably reminiscing past memories, nostalgic feelings with new encounters forming new memories all together. Time have passed by, things have change between the two adults now but never the fact that they are friends in every way possible. The now two mothers are happily chatting all the way like old times, leaving their children on their own. The two in question are currently having their own in eating the sweet treats not questioning the closeness of their mothers.

Later on Katsuki and Izumi are full from eating, being an easily bored child Katsuki started to have their own conversation with the little bean beside him.

Looking beside him he started, “You know, you really look like your mother.” Izumi perk up to him, “Oh yeah! Everyone says that a lot.” Smiling as she swings her feet back and forth and looked at her mother who is happily conversing with the boy’s mother. “You too also Kacchan! You look like your mother.” Directing her head facing him once again after noticing the features of his mother. Katsuki in return didn’t react to it, basically used to it, people commenting how he look exactly like his mother not mentioning also the rude attitude that is obviously taken from his mother. “Your mom is pretty, Kacchan. She looks like a model I see on magazines that my mom reads.” She said complimenting his mother. On this Katsuki glance at his mother, noting that she really is pretty, every now and then he remembers people’s remarks about her being beautiful but he never really paid attention to it because of the constant reminder of how easily pissed he is sometimes, or maybe always, to his mother. Not really admitting this fact he just brushed it off, like hell he’ll ever admit it especially not in front of his mother. “Whatever.” Rolling his eyes then slumping down on his seat, the evident of boredom in his action. Upon seeing this Izumi also felt quite bored also knowing she doesn’t have anything to do next, as for Katsuki his face shows a frown not really liking the situation and is deeply thinking how on earth he could get out of it without his mom scolding him to stay put.

Meanwhile everyone at mansion were informed already about the ruckus that happened just a while ago, the securities are now back to their positions and some are patrolling the area. Everything seems to be fine and there is no major problem that happened but still they were always on high alert every now and then. As not to let the incident occur once more that had happened merely year ago, the kidnapping of their beloved young master, Katsuki Bakugo.who is currently celebrating his 3rd birthday at that time only to be separated from home without his entire knowledge of what was happening. It was a full chaos reminiscing what had happened, the young heir were nowhere to be found at all in the chamber where the party is being held. At first they had thought that maybe the servants who were assigned to dress the young boy have difficulty, concerning how hard to get hold of him. But the situation is out of question when the said servants, two maids and his personal butler were running around the hallways with panic on their faces full of worry and now panting all the way. The said butler contacted the other securities in the vicinity to help for the search as the two maids separated, the other to inform the parents of the child and the other went to ask for help from her co-maids who are on standby.

Upon hearing this the said parents, Mitsuki accidentally drops the glass of wine with shock expression that turned into full fright knowing that her only son who just turned 3 years old that day is no where to be found, clearly this is no prank at all seeing the exact expression on the maid who just informed them. Masaru, the father, who is beside his wife leaped into action not waiting a moment he quickly, ordered every bodyguard to search also outside, something within him is telling something wrong happened. Oh, God how they felt a strong feeling of terror within them, praying that their son is not in any danger.

Well, turns out something just had happened.

By this it means something terribly happened that would somehow change how things should be.

The sudden sound of the shattered glass makes the guests to look where it came from, different emotions can be seen and felt from them, confused, concern, curiosity, nervousness. They saw the sudden reaction of fright from the couple, and then they observe how the husband is talking too seriously on the phone, that all begun after a maid quickly reported something to them. Not knowing what it was some of them deduced that it might be related to the young heir, who in question have not yet arrived at his own party.

Answering their own confused minds, the lady of the house with teary eyes grabbed a microphone and announces something rather unexpected. “ I’m sorry for the wait, but I do appreciate everyone here to stay put inside while we have to find our son. Our head butler will provide all the other information” With that remarks she quickly got out of the chamber followed by his husband. Still shock by the announcement, they clearly understand that something bad happened, after the said head butler answered their questions they also act on their own to help for the search. It is not still clear if the young heir was kidnapped but given the possibilities they took actions. The guests who are distinctly rich people ordered their bodyguards who are with them to take part of the search.

Mitsuki is now visibly thinking possibilities, they have not received any kind of threats nor any reports of suspected people who got inside their property, so why was her son not in his room nor found anywhere inside the manor. It is somehow common to rich people that they are target on crimes such as abduction that is why they have high level of security, but how come the current situation is likely as such.

The couple not wanting anything bad happened to their only son, sought help from the police. After seemed like forever a call from one of the security guard caught them off guard, he reported that he had found a small watch near the woods with the emblem of the Bakugo family and clearly belongs to their son, and is now calling backups to search the forest. The assumption they never wanted to happen had clearly shows sign that affected them greatly.

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