chapter 21

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Fifi was a fine addition to the new Finster clan. Not only did Chaz get a new wife and Chuckie get a new sister, but they had a new pet. They never really had a pet before, Chaz had several allergies, so when Melinda would talk to him about getting a pet for themselves, she couldn't think of an animal that would be safe, but Fifi wound up being perfect. The Finsters couldn't help but notice how close Fifi was with the Pickles' dog, Spike. The two dogs even snuck out of their homes after dark to be with each other since they lived far from each other. Fifi was resting in the bedroom while Chuckie and Kimmy were with each other adjusting to their new living conditions with each other.

"So, your mommy lives in Heaven?" Kimmy asked her new big brother.

"Yes, it's kind of sad, but I think I'll be okay," Chuckie told the girl with a sad smile. "I just know she's watching me up there in 'Hebben'."

"Your daddy and my mommy are gettin' married, does that mean we'll be brother and sissy?" Kimmy asked. She had really looked up to Chuckie now since the gang went back to America after their adventure in Paris.

"That's right, Kimmy," Chuckie smiled at her. "I just wish my mommy were here to see this..."

Fifi barked a bit. "I'm right here, Chuckie... You just don't know it or understand me..."

Chuckie smiled and petted his new pet poodle. "Good girl!"

Fifi smiled warmly as she was pet by Chuckie. She really missed being Melinda Cavanaugh-Finster, but she was very happy to be Fifi the poodle. Former pet of Coco LaBocuhe, new pet to Chaz and Chuckie Finster. This reality would probably be a lot more happy and meaningful than before. She felt a little funny lately though.

"Kimmy, I think there's something wrong with Fifi." Chuckie told his new step-sister.

"We better get Mommy and Daddy!" Kimmy cried.

Fifi did feel different. There was something wrong with her, but she didn't know what it was. She whimpered a bit, feeling a strange sensation in her body. The poodle just hoped she wasn't dying. Eventually, Chaz and Kira showed up.

"Oh, my, she doesn't look too well, I wonder if the children were trying to warn us about her." Kira sounded concerned.

"We better call the vet." Chaz advised.

The unmarried couple made an appointment and wasted no time to send Fifi to the vet. The poodle whimpered a bit, sounding to be in some type of pain. Kimmy and Chuckie were in their carsets while Chaz was driving to the veterinarian's office and Kira was looking back at the children and dog, very concerned. Fifi looked at her human family, very calm and quiet. Chaz stopped the car and Kira took out the leash to get inside the vet's office. Chaz held Chuckie and Kimmy's hands as they went inside.

Kira went to sign in Fifi to be looked at and sat with her new family. "I wonder if she's just homesick and we're taking her to the vet for nothing."

"I don't think so, Kira," Chaz told her gently. "She was very welcoming toward me and Chuckie already. I don't think she's homesick."

"I guess so, Madame LaBouche was raising her for all the wrong reasons. She even made Jean-Claude or I look after her when she was supposed to. One day, Fifi just acted bad and Madame LaBouche disowned her."

"That's not right... I can't believe I almost married that woman, Chuckie must've been so scared of her. She's not the woman I thought she was."

"Well, as soon as we get married, I'm sure that we'll all live happily ever after, hopefully so will Fifi."

"Chaz and Kira Finster?" the nurse called.

"Actually, we're not married," Chaz told her.

"At least not yet." Kira added.

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