chapter 22

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Chuckie and Kimmy were growing up well-being raised by two new parents in their lives. Chuckie was filled the void of his missing mom and Kimmy was filled the void of her disappeared dad. Fifi was very happy too because Chaz had been a lot happy than he had been for a while. She still missed the past where she was Melinda and married to the man who was her childhood friend, but now he was with someone else to love and take care of him. Chaz and Kira told their children that their family was going to get a little bigger due to Fifi's pregnancy.

One night, the two dogs met. A few days earlier, there was word getting out that the 'Rugrats' group would be going on a cruise for a week. Spike was able to go with them, he was going to deeply miss his beloved Fifi, and he hoped this adventure would be okay. Fifi came, a little sluggishly as they met in the children's park as it was after midnight and they were together. Spike had not known the puppies that Stu and Didi had been talking about for a while were his and Fifi's, he thought it was some other dog that they happened to know.

"Hey, Feef, how you holding up?" Spike asked his mate, noticing she was a little slow tonight.

"I am okay," Fifi sighed. "So, have you heard about the puppies?"

"Yeah, I wonder who the lucky dog is?"

Fifi paused. She had thought Spike had already known. "Spike, mon chere, you do not know? You are ze father!"

Spike's eyes widened and his tail slowly stopped wagging. "Excuse me?"

"May oui! You are ze father of a litter!"

"Waaaait... You mean, those puppies are...are... ours?"

"Oui, oui, Spike! You are going to be a papa and I am going to be a maman! Isn't it magnifique?"

"Oh, boy... I'm sorry, Love Bone, I thought the humans were talking about someone else."

"Who else would they talk about?" Fifi nuzzled against her mate. "You are, how they say, the only dog for me and I am the one dog for you... Am I not?"

Spike's tail went beneath his legs. "I guess this means you can't come with us to the cruise... It might be bad for you and the babies."

"Oh, Spike, you are so considerate... Alas, yes, it will be difficult to cope without you for a week... I know it shall only be seven days, but to me it will be at least forty-nine."

"Me too, Feef." Spike rubbed noses with her. It was their way of kissing. "Be good while I'm gone... Take care of the kids, don't let them be born before I have a chance to meet the little guys."

"I shall try my best, Spike." Fifi sighed.

The two decided to spend a little more time together that night. They curled their tails together and walked down the street as the moon followed them. Paris was very romantic and the city of love and lights, Spike felt like an amateur to have Fifi in this place. However, to his surprise, Fifi was well adapted to this American city. He could have sworn she had at least known it even if she was a puppy well into Paris and was adopted by Coco, and soon enough, Kira. Fifi leaned against Spike as the stars twinkled in the night sky like elegant diamond rings to be bought for a surprise engagement between two lovers.

"Be safe on your adventure with your family, Spike, take good care of the boy Chuckie for me." Fifi told her mate.

"I will, Fifi, I will..." Spike whispered back to her.

The next morning, Fifi was lying on the carpet asleep while her humans were in bed to get ready to go. Fifi yawned and stretched as she heard Chaz yelling out questions to Kira and she would answer as she dressed Kimmy and Chuckie.

"Take care of Mommy and Daddy, Fifi!" Kimmy beamed to the poodle.

Chuckie smiled and pet her.

Fifi smiled back and started to lick his freckled face.

"Aw, Fifi! Stop!" Chuckie grunted from the dog slobber. Little did he know that the dog slobber was actually his mother's endless and ever-loving kisses. He just didn't know it.

"Ready to go?" Chaz asked, coming out with their bags.

Chuckie and Kimmy babbled and went to their father.

"Be good while we're gone, Fifi." Chaz smiled and kissed the poodle's muzzle.

Fifi beamed at the kiss. She then barked at him to respond. "I'll miss you two very much... Be safe, I'll be waiting..."

"I swear, it's almost as if Fifi can understand everything we're saying." Kira chuckled, amused.

There was a knock at the door.

"Oh, good, that must be the dog-sitter." Chaz sounded relieved and he answered the door.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Finster." the girl greeted with a pleasant smile. She had double brown pigtails.

"Thank you so much for coming, Britannica," Chaz smiled at the teen. "You sure you can handle looking after a dog for a week?"

"I'm sure we'll be fine, Mr. Finster," Britannica insisted. "My best friend babysits six babies all the time, I'm sure I can handle a pregnant dog, no prob."

"Okay," Chaz smiled, then looked back at the poodle. "Bye, Fifi, have a good time and be good for Britannica!"

Kira left with him. Britannica smiled as the couple left and walked inside the Finster-Watanabe house. "Okay, Fifi, let's you and me have some fun, sound good?" she beamed at the French dog.

Fifi looked back at her, smiling.

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