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The sun was lowering itself, creating shadows on everything covered by the tree canopies. Branches tapped and creaked as two figures jumped and rushed over them. Hei Bao called out to Xián Leng,

- Tell me again, how come you know about Shuizuan Kingdom's whereabouts? Aren't you supposed to have some kind of amnesia?

The wind hit them on the face making Xián Leng's hair and both their capes swish here and there.

Xián Leng,

- It is temporary. It's difficult for me to explain since I don't even know myself as of why I know of the place, but some memory inside my head suggests I've been there at least once in my life time...

Hei Bao slightly nodded, clearly not understanding but wasn't going to push any complicated questions unto him. Xian Leng continued.

- It was supposed to be around here...

He glanced down the trees, from side to side, knitting his brows as he concentrated on catching sight of what he was looking for. Suddenly, Hei Bao pointed down at a glowing corner, covered a little with some ravines and other vegetation.

- There! Look, those fish down there! They were the ones that took them!

Xián Leng signaled to stop and hide on the tree over the zhuru. He watched and listened attently to what the fish did and said.

- Worp, worp, worp? Worp, worp, worp, worp?! (What do you think will happen to the catch? Do you think the queen will roast them after their sacrifice?!)

Xián Leng murmured as his blood pressure started to rise.

- Sacrifice...?

- Worp, worp, worp. Worp, worp, worp, Worp! (I wish that'd be the case. I hadn't had roasted meat for a long time. All has been seaweed from the lake and other things that practically cannot be called food. Yes!)

- Hworp, hworp, hworp! (Ha, ha, ha!)

Xián Leng's frown deepened. Hei Bao looked at him concerned and confused.

- What is it...? Can you understand what they are saying?

Xián Leng nodded. He explained,

- They are going to be executed and be eaten if we don't act fast enough.

Hei Bao gulped and looked over to the fish as Jiti flinched at what Xián Leng said. They had to think of a way to distract the zhuru if they wanted to get to their friends in time.

- Worp, worp, worp...? WORP! Worp, worp, worp, worp... (You know what I'd love right now...? CHICKEN! I hadn't had some for a long time...)

Right then, something inside Xián Leng's brain clicked. The side of his mouth rose into a smirk. He looked at Jiti who nervously whispered to Hei Bao,

- Why is he looking at me like that...?

Shuǐzuàn Kingdom's Palace

DuZhi was being disposed of his robes only left with his undergarment. He squealed as the cold air met his skin. A blush creeped on his face as he tried to cover himself up, but soon after was stretched and clamped by both his extremities, laid on a crystal table. The queen had in her hands a sharpened crystal rock knife, from which flares of energy glowed around it. Pamella's jaw tensed as she saw the all annoying DuZhi tear up and try to talk his way out of the trouble.

- Woman! I mean, Queen! Can't you even listen to what I have to say?! Wú Chù Zhī! Speak some sense into this woman's head! Tell her, it was a mistake!

In Summer's Spring (Zài Xiàjì Chūn)Where stories live. Discover now