Chapter 5

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Warning ⚠️: This is quite a long chapter so if you don't like reading long chapters you can skip but when I update the next chapter it probably won't make any sense so yeah enjoy!

"How can you talk about our home at a time like this??" Asked Sprig.

"More importantly you were gonna take over?!" Asked Anne.

"No! Well yes I'm sorry. At first I didn't trust you but you guys were really awesome and I didn't want to hurt you anymore but HP on the other hand always has his heart and soul set on something. We tried to warn you but Hop Pop must have used snow on me and as for Sprig I have no clue." Explained Frog Anne.

"Well why didn't you send warn us earlier?!!!" Asked Anne. They started arguing and Sprig heard some yelling and he walked towards Wartwood and saw all the frogs running and the Frogs from the other world attacking.

"Guys! You gotta see this!" Yelled Sprig. The two Annes ran over and saw what Sprig saw. A frog saw them and ran over to them. As the frog got closer it was Ivy.

"Sprig Anne! Oh boy am I glad to see to see you" Said Ivy as she ran up to them and hugged Sprig.

"Guys you won't believe what Happened! A..... who's that frog?" Asked Ivy as she got her attention on frog Anne. Polly was on Ivy's head and saw her too.

"Hey Sprig did you break up with Ivy or something? Who's your new girlfriend? And why does she look like Anne?" Asked Polly.

"First of all I did not break up with Ivy and also how did you know?" Asked Sprig stopping his explanation.

"Who doesn't know?" Asked Polly.

"Anyway she's not my girlfriend."

"Yeah he's way out of my league" Said Frog Anne.

"Yeah! Wait what?"

"Now he knows how I feel" thought Anne.

"And she looks like Anne because she comes from another world where she's a frog and I'm a human" Explained Sprig.

"Oh well we are being attacked and we need to go home right now before the toad and different frogs catch us" Said Polly. So they followed Ivy and they ran to Hop Pop's farm before the toads and different frogs could catch them. It looked like an abomination. When they went inside it looked kinda the same. Nobody was home.

"Relax it's just me and Polly Amphibian ranger x 2.0" said Ivy.

"Why do you have to say all that?" Asked Anne.

"It's how they know it's me and not the other frogs" Explained Ivy. Everyone that made it came out and that included Hop Pop.


"Hop Pop!" Sprig, Anne and Hop Pop ran to each other and hugged.

"What am I chopped liver?" Asked Polly in a sarcastic tone as she hopped onto Hop Pop's head and hugged them too.

"What happened HP?" Asked Anne.

"These frogs came from the door of infinite ♾ worlds and started attacking us and they must have worked with Grime because they were together" Explained Hop Pop.

"Who's that girl?" Asked Silvia.

"Silvia? Is that you?" Asked Frog Anne. Silvia of the Wartwood world jumped on her.

"How do you know me????!!!!"

"You look like the Silvia from my world ok?? Please don't hurt me!" Begged Frog Anne.

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