Chapter 2

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You may have switch schools but you still owe me $3.25.

Inappropriate moment
Towards the end

It was a Sunday which ment Morgan wakes up almost everyone in the tower bored at 4 am in the morning. How? No one knows. So lets just say the teens where moody today well expect for Wade of course. "How about we wake up Uncle Drax and go on a jog?" Wade asked. Morgan nodded her head. Wade picked up Morgan and ran to the elevator. "Friday tell Tin Can what we are doing when he wakes up." "Will do." Friday answered. The rest of the teens felled back to sleep immediately. Expect for Peter he tried to but couldn't. He groan as he got up and left to take a shower. He got out around 4:30 and grabbed his phone to play music. He went upstairs to cook breakfast since he was already up. He smoothly amd queitly but no gracefully grab the things he needed. And quickly start cooking quietly jamming to his music. After 2 hours of cooking Peter made 4 stacks of pancakes. Regular, chocolate chip, blueberry, and bannanna. Just as finish cleaning the utensil he used Carol enter the kitchen. "I see you up bright and early." She commented making Peter jump. Peter sighed and mumbled 'Morgan'. "Aw, poor baby." Carol cooed as she hugged Peter and ran her hand through his hair. Peter melted into the touch easily getting use to be treated like a baby. "Aw, is the baby tried." Someone mocked. They turned to see Tony. Peter knowing how make Tony feell guilty turned to Tony makinv grabby hands. Tony tried to resist but failed and open his arms. Peter cheered and slam into him. Carol snicker causing Tony rolled his eyes and stick his tongue out at her. "I know now got to wake the others up." Peter mumble letting go of Tony much of his dismay. Peter walked up to the stair and said one thing. "Food." "Who cooked and what is it?" They asked. "Pancakes and I did." Bam! A earthquake. Peter backed up immediately as the teens rushed to the table. "Damn." Tony mumbled. "Damn." A voice replied back. Tony jumped and turned to see Morgan on Wade shoulder. Tony grumbled and putt a dollar in the swear jar that used to be empty out every day now every week. "Hey atleast it doesn't need to be empty out every day. Your getting better at watching your language." Peter joked. Tony gave him I'm done face. "Peter, Wade, come eat before your metabolism eat you." Carol said motherly. Just on que their stomach growled causing Wade to laugh and Peter to turn red. "Welp thats our que to eat." Wade announced dragging Peter to the table and sat him next to him. Carol sat their stack of pancakes infront if them them ruffled their hair. Something she does to all the teens in the morning. "So, what is the news today?" Peter asked. "Me and the graudian without Nebula with have a small mission to go to so we will be gone until Thursday." Carol said. "I will be going back to the Sanctuary for a bit." Strange shrugged. "Meetings I have to go to." Tony said annoyed. "The usual for us." Pepper said gesturing to her and Eddie. Peter nodded. But noticed the small change in the atmosphere even though the adults try so hard not to. "Ok, what is it?" Peter asked. Causing the adults to flinched slightly which Peter noticed. "What are you talking about?" Loki asked being calm one and plus he's good at lying. "Getting the God if lies to cover you?" Peter asked. "No, we just want to know why you think something is wrong?" Nebula asked keeping her cool. Peter put his fork down and intertwined his fingers together. He closed his eyes and took a deep breathe. Then open his eyes and exhale and scan everyone eyes. "Morgan. Deary. What was Daddy talking about during his meeting?" The sdults stiffened if they tried to keep Morgan it would be supicious. "I don't remember?" Morgan said honestly. The adult let go a the breath they where holding. "Sonething about Rogues and Friday." Morgan answered quickly afterwards with a innocent smile at the end. "Thank you Morgan." "Aw come on we had a deal to keep queit." Tony whined. "Yeah, with me and Matt, not Morgan." MJ said with a smirk. "Damn it you kids are to smart for your own good." "Damn it." "Can you put this in the jar for me, thank you." "A**hole!" Morgan shouted with a massive grin afterward. "That wasn't me." Tony said quickly. Wade, Peter, and Shuri sighed. Wade put down 5 dollar, Shuri but down 2, and Peter put down 10. "Hold up." Tony said confused to why peter put down more money. "I snapped real hard." Peter said blushing deep red. "Hoe." Morgan also said. Wade put down a 5, Shuri 8, Matt a 1, and Peter a 10 causing him to blush more. Pepper looked ready to murder. "I'm curious." Tony said looking at Morgan. "Please don't." Peter whined. "What else did you hear from them." "Organism. What is an organsim?" Cue the choking. Wade and Peter put their wallet on the table. Matt put down a 100, Shuri a 500, MJ a 100, and Ned a 50. "You'll learn when your older." Pepper told her and glared at the teens making them shrink. 'Your all grounded big time. Same for you Tony. And calling parents.' She said in a look at the teens and Tony. 'Well, shit.' Was all they could think of. "This question might dig me a bigger grave but why where you talking about -ahem- that?" Tony asked. Pepoer gave him are you serious look. "Same here." Loki admitted. "Uhhhh..." Peter said nervouly blushing. The teen where look at eachother trying to come uo with an answer. "Um, we where being teenagers?" Peter questioned. "Mhm. We'll talk about this later." Tony said. Peter shoved his pancake away and face planted into the table. Wade tried to take his pancake but Peter smacked his hand.

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