Chapter 4

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"Come on kiddos! Time to wake up! Or your going to be late!" Happy said trying to wake Peter and Wade up for the 5th time. "I swear you gauys are harder to wake up than Tony." He mumbled. "Wake up or no pancakes~." Harely sanged. "Ok, I'm up!" Wade said getting out of bed. "I got Baby Boy!" Happy rolled his eyes amd grumbled about how Harely got atleast one of them up but was happy non the least. "Just don't try anything." He said walking out the room. "Why do you guys keep saying that." Wade whined. "Because we all know you would do something." Peter said getting up. "And I-being the love sick puppy I am- won't stop you. Remember last time I was half asleep and to tried move I let you dress me?" "Oh, yeah." (The story in the next chapter? Yes? No? Maybe? Definitely?) "Well come on come Sweetie we have school." Pepter said throwing Wade clothes out if no where. "Your getting good at that." Wade comment throwing Peter clothes out of no where too. "I learned from the best." "What do you mean?" "Nothing Babe."

~TiMe SkIp~

"Have a good day kids." Happy said. "Bye, Uncle Happy!" The boys said as Happy drove off. "See ya!" Wade said running off to get to school earlier since they were dropped off two blocks away as Harely and Peter walked. "Another day of hell. We haven't even step in school and I'm it already." Harely sighed. "You still jave a choice to be homeschooled or go to college." Peter tolded him. "Yeah, I'll think about it." Harely joked giving Peter a wink. Peter snorted and playfully shoved Harely. "Come on we're going to late." Peter said speeding up dragging Harely with him.

"You guys are finally here! I thought you guys would be late again." Ned said as soon as he saw Peter and Harely. "We almost was. Peter and Wade wouldn't wake up snuggling to each other." Harely replied whispering the last part. Peter playfully shoved Harely blushing a deep red. "Shut up! I swear your the most annoying person in this world." Peter whined. "I could say the same." Harely shot back. Soon they were bickering with each other. But it was cut off by Flash shoving Peter. "So Harely, I was wondering if you thought about my offer?" Flash asked to Harely. "Yes I did for the 182 time but who's counting. Ans my answer is still no. Now we got to go or we'll be late to class." Harely answered annoyed. But Flash wasn't happy. "You going to regret not hanging with us! Your Stark your suppose to being hanging out with nerds like them!" Flash shouted frustrated. (Tony being Harely guardian was leaked.) "How many times do I have to tell you. I'm. NOT. A STARK! And I never will be!" Harely to him frustrated now. "Yeah, Eugene. He more of a Parker. He has a mother-son relationship with Peter Aunt." MJ commented beacuse she wanted to. Flash looked shocked. "Your giving up being a Stark for a worthless widow." He said shocked. That pissed off Peter. "Excuse me!?" Peter hissed making Flash take a step back and everyone who was watching. Peter is never the type to get mad  "First off, I cant to shits about you insulting me but NEVER in your fucking life disrespect my Aunt. Who has be married for almost a YEAR. Second off, so what if Harely wants to be Hogans not Parker. You get a say in his life! So fuck off!" "Damn!" MJ said. "You can say that again." Wade said walking through the crowd. Once he made it through he put his arms around Peter and Harley shoulder. "Flash should leaves these to alone." Wade told Flash seriously. "Why should I!?" He questioned. "Well you don't want to be sued by Tony Starks do you. I mean I know Peter and Harely don't want that. Ned and MJ will definitely tell him for them. You guys have him on speed dial right?" "Yeah, just incase these idiots get in trouble or someone brakes in the school for Harley." MJ answered. "You heard that- of course you did. Alright let's get to class beacuse the warning bell is about to-."


"-ring." Immediately everyone dashed to class. "This isn't over." Flash yelled. "Yes it is." MJ yelled back. "Wade come on." One of the jocks shouted. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" Wade replied. "See ya later." He said. "Don't skip or you'll be stuck in the 'Wade study room' for the weekend." Peter told him. Wade smiled then jogged off to be with the jocks.  "He's totally going to skip. Let's go." Ned said then walking to class. Peter sighed snd shooked his head. "Aw, someone mad because the won't get cuddles?" Harely teased. "Fu-


-off! Oh, so now the bell wants to cut me off." Peter whined. "Get inside." Harely chuckled holding the door for Peter to enter. "Nice to see you guys finally decide to join the class." The science teacher, Ms. Jack, said. "The tarty bell just rung so we're actually on time." Mj sassed back. Ms. Jack was about to say something back but decided against it. "Just sit down." Was all she said and that's what they did. And they also felled asleep since the were reviewing things. The teacher didn't bither waking them because:

A) It their fault if they fell

B) They always do that and she sees them study for the test in library for 3 or 2 days before the test

C) They always pass without trying

"Miss! Peter and-" "I know Jimmy."

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