Chapter 3

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"Kids, come on! Time to go!" Tony called from upstairs. The Teens groaned and reluctantly got up. "Can one of you guys tuck me in first?" Morgan sleepy voice called. She stood leaning against sleepily in her Spider-Man PJ. "Of cousre, sweet pea!" Wade said picking up while gushing about how cute Morgan is to himself. "I'm taking Ned and MJ home." Matt announce knowing how long it will take. "See ya." Peter and Harley sighed floppy back onto the couch. "So lets talk about Wade." Shuri said in a hush voice holding 'a' in Wade. "Yeah, lets talk." Harely said smirking. "How about no." Peter groaned blushing stuffing his face into a pillow near by. "So has the relationship going?" Shari asked. Peter shyly pull the pillow down all you could see was his eyes a hue of pink that crossed his face. "Shut it." He mumble. Harely snorted at Peter reaction. "Have you guys ever made out?" Harley asked. Peter looked away shyly so Harley took it as a yes. Then Shari got a mischief look in her eyes. "Have you guys ever fu-" Because she could finish she was smack in the face with a pillow by a very red Peter. "Shut up!" He sqeaked causing Harley and Shuri to bust out laughing. "Guys it's not funny!" Peter whined then squealed when to bulky arm pick him up. "Are you guys making fun of Baby Boy?" Wade stated more than asked. "Maybe~" They answered back. "Well, as much as I would love to chat about our relationship I have to get going for patrol with Matt-" Wade was interrupted by his vibrating. Wade looked at his phone and saw a text message from Matt. "Nevermind, MJ took my place since her parents aren't home yet. So throw your question." "Go home!" Carol yelled from upstairs. "Yes, ma'am!" Wade yelled back then picked up Peter causing him to yelp. But he snuggled into Wade's arm anyways because why not. "Come on Harely. It's your turn to drive." Wade told Harely as he walked to the elevator. "Ok, just make sure I don't hear you two making out." Harely sighed. "No promise!" Wade said smirking causing Peter to turn red. Harely just rolled his eyes. "Let's go." He sighed.

~timeskip brought to by us the gay shippers (idk)~

"Hey, kiddos. How was your weekend?" May asked not looking up from her book when she heard the door open (A MJ move). "It was great, but the ride wasn't." Harley answered pointing to the gay couple behind them. Peter was asleep in Wade arms and you could see his lips were a bit bruised it you looked at it closely. May snorted and shooked her head. "Go put him in bed. Just don't try anything with my nephew." "Yes, ma'am." Wade replied knowing what will happen of did do something. "Come on nad tell your how your weekend was." May told Harley patting the side next to her. Harley happily sat next to May and snuggle into her side as she grabbed a blanket on the side of the couch and rapped it around them. Harley happily told her his weekend as she comd his hair with her fingers. "Night, Momma." Harely said quietly as he felled asleep. May cursed herself for getting attached to Harley right then and there, but it was to late to turn back time now.

(Note: Tony is Harley guardain. He is not adopted by Tony.)

May sighed and kiss Harley forehead. "Goodnight, sweetheart." She said drifting off to sleep, too.

It's a shot chapter but a chapter

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