1. the adventure begins

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It's been 18 years since a human fell into mount ebott and the sun started to rise on a new day and a rooster caws through the underground till a pan whacking noise stopped it and we go to a room to a room to see Toriel kicking the door open with a rolling pin in her hands screaming

Toriel: what's happening!? Are we being att-

she didn't finish what she was saying when she saw an 18 year old boy wearing blue shorts[they got pockets], a white tank-top, a pair of sandals, a pair of glasses and a ski mask over his mouth actually flying making bird noises with Flowey in a flower pot saying

Flowey: it's just me whacking Nitro with a frying pan to make him stop that rooster noise

when Nitro flew past the bed Flowey used one of his vines to slam Nitro on the floor knocking his brain back into place[literally] and when Nitro stood up he said

Nitro: you know that I always do it to wake everyone up in the underground Flowey, you know that

Toriel just chuckled about it and said

Toriel: Nitro, grab Flowey and come into the living room

Nitro grabbed Flowey by the flower pot and followed Toriel into the living room and saw a cake with candles on the top[18 to be sure of it] and then Toriel grabbed Flowey from Nitro and put him on the table and they both said

Toriel and Flowey: happy birthday Nitro

Nitro was overjoyed when he was surprised by it and gave both Toriel and Flowey a hug saying

Nitro: thanks mom, thanks Flowey

Toriel and Flowey hugged Nitro back and when they broke up the hug Toriel said

Toriel: blow out the candles and make a wish

Nitro then closed his eyes and think of what he would want for his birthday and then he opened his eyes and blew out his candles, he was about to give Toriel and Flowey another hug till Toriel said

Toriel: I might know what your birthday wish is, but first, Flowey?

Nitro then turned to Flowey to see him with a present in his vines saying

Flowey: here's a little something that will be helpful

Flowey then gave Nitro the present and Nitro opened it to see a pair of shoulder armor with a cup holder the size big enough for Flowey to be in and Flowey said

Flowey: it's so that you don't have to hold me everywhere in your hands

Nitro then put the shoulder armor on and put Flowey in the holder and then Toriel said

Toriel: now then, Nitro, follow me

Nitro then followed Toriel to the exit of the ruins but when Nitro, Flowey and Toriel got to the exit they saw a pyrope, it's head is a flame with a mouth and his body is wrapped around with some rope, it even has a pair of robotic arms, a western pancho and a cowboy hat, the three then gained tired looks and Nitro said

Nitro: of course, it had to be Pyro pyrope

Pyro then got mad and said

Pyro pyrope: I said my name is Pyro, just Pyro

the three were not impressed with Pyro entering the ruins and Toriel said

Toriel: what are you doing in here? do you know what today is?

Flowey was about to rant till Pyro said

Pyro pyrope: I heard that it was Nitro's birthday, and then I've been thinking, maybe I should wish Nitro a happy birthday, with deadly music

Pyro then took out a trumpet and blew in it making music notes come out attacking with Nitro, Flowey and Toriel moving out of the way of the music notes[no joke].

(ruins exit)
Battle 2.1
Nitro (30/30 hp)  Flowey (6,000/6,000 hp)
Team hp (6,030/6,030)
Toriel (440/440 hp)
Group hp (6,470/6,470)
Pyro pyrope (110/110 hp)

Just then Nitro pulled out a violin with Flowey pulling out a guitar his size and Toriel pulling out a portable piano with a strap to hold it over her neck so she can use both hands to play it and so Nitro and family started to fight Pyro with music and all of them were getting hit by the notes, just then Nitro used his super music note to blast him against the wall in the ruins.

Battle 2.2
Nitro (27/30 hp)  Flowey (5,976/6,000 hp)
Team hp (6,003/6,030)
Toriel (418/440 hp)
Group hp (6,421/6,470)
Pyro Pyrope (10/110 hp)

Pyro then got up and got a bit dizzy, he then snapped out of it and said

Pyro pyrope: just like the other times, open your present and get it over with

Nitro then became confused of what Pyro mean't and said

Nitro: what present are you talking about Pyro?

Toriel then walked up to Nitro and said

Toriel: the present I'm about to give you, is right there

Toriel pointed towards the exit of the ruins and Nitro saw a present bow on the door meaning that he was ready to go out on his own, when Nitro pulled off the ribbon the doors opened revealing the outside world and then they saw Pyro running away saying

Pyro pyrope: we'll meet again

Nitro then gave Toriel one last hug and then went out to the next part of the underground ending the chapter.

hey, made another chapter for my first story, hope you like it because there's going to be a lot of chapters for this story, bye

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