13. battle with Mettaton (EX)

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we now see the group are now at an area where Mettaton is waiting and he said

Mettaton: oh yes. there you are, Nitro. it's time to have our little showdown. it's time to finally stop the "malfunctioning" robot. NOT! malfunctioning? reprogramming? get real. this was all a big show. an act. Alphys has been playing you for a fool the whole time. as she watched you on the screen, she grew attached to your adventure. she desperately wanted to be part of it. so she decided to insert herself into your story. she reactivated puzzles. she disabled elevators. she enlisted me to torment you. all so she could save you from dangers that didn't exist. all so you would think she's the great person... that she's not. and now, it's time for her finest hour. at this very moment, Alphys is waiting outside the room. during our "battle," she will interrupt. she will pretend to "deactivate" me, "saving" you one final time. finally. she'll be the heroine of your adventure. you'll regard her so highly she'll even be able to convince you not to leave. or not. you see, I've had enough of this predictable charade. I have no desire to harm humans. far from it, actually. my only desire is to entertain. after all, the audience deserves a good show, don't they? and what's a good show... without a plot twist?

the team then looked behind to see the doors close with Alphys on the other side saying

Alphys: h-hey!!! wh-what's going on!? th-th-the doors just locked itself!

the team then looked to the ground to see lights flash on with Mettaton saying

Mettaton: sorry, folks! the old program's been cancelled!!! but we've got a finale that will drive you wild!!

just then the team felt the ground move and then it started to rise up real high with Mettaton saying


the team got their instruments and started blasting away at Mettaton but he's not taking any damage until Alphys called Nitro on his phone, he answered it and Alphys said

Alphys: u...uh... I can't see what's going on in there, but... d-d-don't give up, okay!? th... there's o.. one l-l-last way to beat Mettaton... it's... um... it's... this is a work in-progress, so don't judge it too hard... but, you know how Mettaton always faces f-f-forward? that's because there's a switch on his backside. s-s-so if y-y-you c-c-can turn him around... um... and, um... press th-th-th-the switch... he'll be... um... he'll be... vulnerable. well, g-g-gotta go!

when the call ended Nitro whistled to the others to tell them of a plan

Nitro: okay, the only way to make him vulnerable is to flip that switch on his back, but we have to turn him around to do that

just then Mettaton came in scaring the team saying

Mettaton: what are you talking?

the team jumped away from Mettaton with Nitro saying

Nitro: you see, we were talking about, well, it's kinda...

Nitro didn't get to finish when Doggo pointed behind Mettaton and said

Doggo: hey look, a mirror

when Mettaton heard the word mirror he turned around and said

Mettaton: a mirror, where? I need to look good for the finale

Nitro then flipped the switch on his back making him fall, the team were about to cheer until a bunch of mist entered the room with a shadowy figure in the mist which made it hard for anyone to see who it was until Nitro got a good look at who it was and said

Nitro: Mettaton EX

the mist then disappeared showing Mettaton EX[you should look him up because it's a bit hard to describe what he looks like] Mettaton EX was standing in the center of the area and said

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