18. ending

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Soul team
Nitro (30-60-120-240-480-960 hp)
Muffet (1,250 hp)
Doggo (70-140-280-560-1,120-2,240 hp)
Sans (25-50-100-200-400-800 hp)
Asriel/Flowey (6,000 hp)

Friends and Family
Toriel (440 hp)
Asgore (3,500 hp)
Papyrus (680 hp)
Undyne (1,500 hp)
Alphys (312 hp)
Mettaton (1,600 hp)
Lesser Dog (60 hp)
Greater Dog (105 hp)
Dogamy and Dogaressa (108/54 both hp)
Monster Kid (100 hp)

Pyro (10,000 hp)
Mad Dummy (600 hp)
Terminate the flower (1,400 hp)

Human mother (54 hp)
??? father (182 hp)
Human king (1,000,000 hp)
Human soldiers (142 hp)
Nitro's brain (50 hp)
Spiders (60 hp)
Giant Spider (2,000 hp)
Grillby, Fia, Madjick and Chara

Video game battle

Nitro/ appearance: pokes his head out of the ground for a look around then jumps out of it and landing on the ground saying [zoom ba de ya, zoom ba de ya] costumes [classic/old clothes]

Toriel/ appearance: walks in to the field and says [I will not let you hurt my child] costumes [classic/armor]

Papyrus/ appearance: triple jumps in and lands on his feet saying [prepare yourself for my special attack] costumes [classic/cool guy]

Undyne/ appearance: jumps into the field and says [I'll protect everyone's hopes and dreams] costumes [classic/royal guard]

Alphys/ appearance: comes in riding a hovercraft saying [okay, okay, I can do this] costumes [classic/black sweater and wood copter]

Mettaton/ appearance: hovers in landing on the ground turning his thruster into a wheel pulling out a microphone saying [welcome to the metal attack] costumes [classic/game show]

Pyro/ appearance: comes in through the air with a jet-pack on and hovers in place saying [the time has come for you to die] costumes [classic/old form]

Asgore/ appearance: stands in place then turns to the opponent and says [it was nice to meet you, goodbye] costumes [classic/Hawaii shirt]

I plan on making episodes for this story and maybe another story about dreamland, I imagine myself in dreamland on adventures with Dedede and Escargoon, they may be evil but they will be heroes on the episodes that go through, and maybe one of True and the rainbow kingdom on one day she meets adult robots and most of them are pirates, and maybe some more when I come up with any to put in my stories, well I guess this is it, until next time on the stories. bye for now!

Undertale the singing adventure: season 1 [new characters will come into the series as we go through]
Main characters [Nitro, Muffet, Doggo, Sans and Asriel]

D.E.J (Dedede, Escargoon and Jonathan[the three of us have the same number of syllables], Kirby right back at ya)
Main characters [Jonathan, Dedede and Escargoon]

True and the rainbow kingdom/robot invasion [look up True and the rainbow kingdom, you'll see what the show is, it's on netflix, the robot pirates are something I made up in my head]
Main characters [True, Bartleby, Zee, Grizelda and Rainbow king]

the end, bye for now.

word count: 455

Undertale the singing movieTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon