Chapter 57

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It was 2 days before the wedding and tensions were running high in the East household. Alisha was doing last minute preparations and dress fittings, while Dave was trying to figure out how to right all of his wrongs.

"Mannnn when is the bachelor party bro." Nasir came in the office of the new Luxe building. Things were going good for Nasir, he was taking charge of Dave's drug business, making more money than ever. His relationship with Erica was growing stronger than ever and Talia dumbass was finally locked up.

"Bro, I'm not even trying to have a bachelor's party. I'm still tryna fix this shit with Lisha." Dave said. He regretted everything he did to Alisha. The last month was amazing to him. He realized he loved his wife and the family they built. And wasn't trying to lose it.

Nasir sat down in an empty chair across from his friend. "You want the truth?"

Dave thought to himself, did he really want the truth? The truth about himself. He nodded his head.

"I feel like you should let it go bro. You saw how much that shit with E and Trev tore me up. To this day, I wish didn't know." Nasir spoke.

Dave sat back and listened to his friends advice. Maybe Nasir was right. In two days marked a new beginning for him. He would be formally marking Alisha as his wife, in front of all of his closest friends and family.. He was done with Milana, blocked her on everything and even got a new relator. She was too much of a temptation to keep around.

"Maybe you right bro. Besides, me and her finally on a good page." Dave shrugged his shoulders, finally letting some of his stress subside.

"Bro, I know I'm right." Nasir laughed. "You done with ole girl right?" Nasir and Dave was brothers for life. But Nasir fucked with Alisha the long way. She was sis period.

"Man, on moms I'm done with ole girl." Dave said.

"Ight cool." Nasir nodded. "So uh, what you gone do about Camilla?"

Dave thought back to the night his first love's mangled body was found. Him and Camila didn't end on the best terms and she got on his nerves so damn bad, but at the end of the day, he used to love her a lot.

"I got a baby now. I can't get into that shit bro. Imma let the police handle it." Dave wanted justice for Camilla but he had to be there to care for his son and Jordan. He couldn't do that behind bars.

"I feel you, I feel you." Nasir understood his friends position and respected it. "Well bro. I'm proud of you deadass."

Looking back, Dave was proud of himself too. Almost 2 years ago, he was a common criminal. Someone who didn't understand love or how to give it. Now, here he was. A father, 2 days away from a wedding. Married. A businessman. Something he never thought was possible for himself.

"Man, I came a long way. But it's only up from here. You ready for a journey?" He asked his right hand man. He had plans to take his clubs to the next level. He wanted to be the next Hilton of clubs.

But what Dave didn't have planned was how the next two days would change the course of his life forever..

Meanwhile, Alisha was enjoying a medi/pedi day with her girls. She had been so busy the past few weeks leading up to the wedding that she barely got any sleep.

"I can't believe it's almost here. My dream wedding." She sat back in awe and sipped her non-alcoholic sparkling wine. Never in a million years did she think she would find a husband in Dave. But he made her feel safe and loved. More than any man before.

"I just wish Pierre could be here to see it." Monica said. Monica and Alisha developed a deep bond due to Pierre's death. It brought them closer than ever. Monica was practically a sister to Alisha.

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