Time for hiking and Jim being a mess!

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He had heard the commotion that night, and it made Jim feel successful. He sent Kenneth on a little hike to hide a specific thing, but that's where Kenneth's involvement stopped. He had woken up to someone picking the lock and decided just to sleep. There was no reason to fight, they weren't going to find anything of use to them at that moment. All his blackmail was sandwiched between the mattress and the bed frame.

When Jim closed his eyes the voices he heard weren't the ones he was expecting. He was suspicious that Milo and Tara would be the chaotic duo, not Bi Kid and Tanner. He resisted the urge to raise an eyebrow, blowing cover was not worth this.

"There's nothing. Fuck, Milo isn't going to be happy." One whispered, probably Bi Kid. His voice sounded defeated and was around the entrance of the attic.

"Whelp, time for plan B." Wow, the idiots actually prepared for stuff? Jim never would've guessed. "Let's just go, being in the same room as Jim makes me want to punch people." That was Tanner, Jim noted, ignoring what Tanner had said. He heard them walk past him and the door creaked open, slamming shut afterward.

Huh. Those dolts would never know what'll hit them. Jim repositioned himself to his side and opened his eyes. He thought over his death in order to force himself to fall asleep in his tears. Kind of like he was still punishing himself for being caught by his parents. Nothing was worth living through that. He wanted to move on but he didn't. It's been so long... Jim closed his eyes again, crying into his pillow as he often did. However late it was, he eventually lost consciousness and seemed peaceful for once.

It was almost soothing.


Ash and Milo wandered around campus to see if it was hidden in plain sight. It wasn't. Of course not. Milo sighed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. The thing given to him by basically Gods was stolen because apparently there is no better way to spend your afterlife. Ash patted his back sympathetically while they both sat down on the dock of the lake.

"So," Ash started, trying to keep any depressing thoughts in Milo's head at bay as much as possible. "What other places ARE there? I've been here for almost a year and I've never even traveled a lot of the canyon..."

Milo scrunched his nose in thought. "Maybe it's there... I don't know. If no one really seems to go there it could be a possibility and Jim loves fucking me over." He paused his eyes looking up as he considered possibilities. "Is there any place that can sustain flowers that live in deserts without too much dehydration?"

"Probably? The climate here can change drastically according to seasons... I'm pretty sure there's a river that ends in the lake. If we can find the waterfall of the river then maybe the flower would be there?"

That could work. Milo gave a sigh of relief. This could be the end of this whole ordeal! Until he asked one question. "How long would it take to find it?"

"With the two of us?" Ash asked. Once Milo gave a nod they considered the best way to phrase it without breaking Milo's spirits. The lotus was already infected by fungi and missing. This news wasn't exactly bad, just not necessarily good, especially with the facts they were presented with. Milo was not going to like it. "Well, if going at walking pace and taking nights off to set up camps... Maybe four days? I don't know how that grey whatever affects your plant but we should probably leave tomorrow if you're sure about it. Also, we don't technically need to eat as much as we did in life so we don't need to pack too much."

Milo sighed. "Okay. We should probably get one more person so we're a good team or something."

"I volunteer myself!" A voice declared, jumping onto Milo's back dramatically. "As I'm amazing, hardworking, the best looking out of you two fools, and I'm incredibly resourceful."

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