Secret Planning? No. Steven Universe? Yes.

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Milo woke up in tears without any remembrance of a bad dream or bad memory. That isn't fun. He wiped the tears and didn't realize that they were still falling. It was still dark out but that was usually the norm for his sleeping schedule so he didn't really care. He sat up and stretched his arms quietly. He got up and walked outside to get fresh air. It was sort of cold, but that was because he only wore tank tops and he was in socks at that moment.

Everything appeared normal at first. That is until he got tackled randomly. That was not normal. Milo pushed the person off of him, trying to see who it was. It was... April? He pulled her back into the hug. He hasn't seen her in a long amount of time and was happy to see her safe.

"Milo!" She exclaimed getting up from the ground. He got up too. "I heard that you're leaving? I don't know why but Harley said that you're going to have to go soon..."

Oh, that. He had four days left and that meant leaving behind everyone. He had been trying to forget about that to the best of his ability. Milo let out a sigh and April reached out to wipe away a tear. Milo bent down to let her. He didn't know what to tell her, because lying wasn't his thing but crying children also wasn't his thing. "I am leaving... In four days. I'm not exactly sure what's going to happen to me, but I love you and everyone else and I always will."

He took in a deep breath and April copied him. They let out their breaths in unison. Milo gave a weak and pained smile to her, trying to keep both of their spirits high. "Not everything is okay right now, but it is okay to feel like this. I'm not going to be around, but Harley and Ash are. I'm sorry you never got to grow up or receive a good childhood. When I become whatever I become, I'll make sure you get the love you deserve, okay?"

She muffled her voice in his chest, tears falling down her face. "But I want love from you. Not just far away. My nana gives me love from far away but I don't want that. We're all dead but I'm never going to see you again. Not even when I leave too... I'm scared, Milo."

"Me too, but we're going to be okay." He looked up, his long hair getting stuck on his face because of it being wet. The wind was mild and he felt extremely tired. "We're going to be okay."


Tanner and Riley were planning or scheming according to quite a few people, something big. While they were always coming up with ideas and ways to better the pocket afterlife, this one was for more personal reasons. Did anyone have any idea WHAT they were doing? Did they even know? No, the two just knew that they had to do something. And it had to happen soon. They didn't exactly know when it would happen. Maybe today, tomorrow?

It was like 3 AM and their brains were fried. Riley had been staying in Tanner's cabin more often to help with their schemes. Riley liked planning. It's what he did and he was proud of himself for it. Tanner was more of a person who could plan but preferred to feel important to his friends, but mostly family. His parents loved him but police who didn't like black OR gay people didn't prefer him much. Riley and Tanner secretly held each other as security blankets. Someone to talk about what they loved without being judged too harshly. Riley still made fun of Tanner, but in an 'aww that's cute, you're a dork' sort of way. This sort of interaction left Tanner to punch Riley's shoulder and scold him for being a dumbass.

As I was saying, they were scheming (maybe planning, based on whoever was on the outside looking in at them) about something they didn't even know what it was. At least there was progress made on whatever it was they were working on. All that could be known about the 'thing' was that it is for Milo and therefore had to be done and finished before his last day.

But Riley was confident he could do it if Tanner helped, and of course, Tanner would help, that's what the two of them did.


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