...sorry... but didn't we enjoy ourselves?

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After a few moments, Aloha looks back up and he then walks over to Army, he then taps Army's shoulder, Army glares at him, "what do you want Aloha?" Aloha looks away still rubbing his arm "look... I'm.. I'm sorry Army... Do you forgive me or.. no?" Aloha then looks at Army. Army glares at Aloha, and Aloha then awkwardly smiles "I'll take that as a no. Ehehehe... ...." Army walks away, and Aloha sighs before shrugging "well I tried, if you guys need me, I'll be at new albacore hotel." He walks out of the training room, and then both Skull and Mask just look at one another, before nodding at each other, then going to find Army, and tell him where Aloha is.

Army was sitting at a table near Crusty Sean's, Mask and Skull come over to him "Army." Army looks up and at Mask and Skull "yes?" Mask puts his hands on the table "if you want to forgive Aloha, his at New Albacore hotel." Army stares at Mask "tch, I'll say sorry and forgive him when I want too..." Mask shrugs, and then Skull walks away to the weapon shop, Mask has also walked away, he went to the shoal.

Army sits at the table for a bit before getting up and going to new albacore hotel, once he got there, he noticed Aloha who was sitting in the beach chair, drinking a milkshake, Army then walks over to him "Aloha." Aloha looks up and he takes off the shades he had on "Hey Army, what's up, why did you come here?" Army sighs "Look, I'm sorry too Aloha, but you didn't need to say my manual was useless." Aloha nods "I forgive you, and your Manual isn't always useful, you could relax sometimes, ya know?♪" Army stares at him, "what did you just say?" Aloha smiles "You need to relax sometimes. Well, anyways, didn't we enjoy ourselves during the battle against Emperor?" Army thinks for a bit before looking down at his manual "...yeah. yeah we did. I want to fight him again, this time, I have some notes down about him." Aloha sighs, before getting off the Beach chair and he nudges Army, and Army looks up at him "what Aloha?" Aloha then points to the beach chair, and Army stares at the beach chair "what are you gesturing about?"

Aloha sighs "sit down, and Relax for a bit Army, we shouldn't be stressing about Emperor right now, so relax!♪" Aloha just smiles, and Army sits down on the beach chair.

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