Part 7 Hickie

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Keeping to her word Shaylynn picked up Beth around seven and they drove to the bakery apartment.

BETH: I could have drove here myself!

SHAYLYNN: I don't trust you! I have a good mind to get a patrol car parked outside to make sure you don't leave!

BETH: Don't be so stupid!

SHAYLYNN: What are you going to say to him?

BETH: I don't know!

SHAYLYNN: Did you text him yet?

BETH: No, i'll do it later. I'm tired!

Shaylynn sighed then stopped outside the apartment.

SHAYLYNN: Well I hope everything goes okay for you two, i'm rooting for ya!

BETH: Thanks

SHAYLYNN: He started at a weird time yesterday so he'll probably be home early!

BETH: Okay

SHAYLYNN: Beth, you do want to get back together with him, don't you?

BETH: Only for the right reasons

SHAYLYNN: What's that supposed to mean?

Beth burst into tears

SHAYLYNN: Beth? What's wrong?

BETH: What if he doesn't want me? I'll be all by myself!

SHAYLYNN: Beth you'll not be alone long if Severide doesn't want you! Have you seen yourself in the mirror?

BETH: Everytime i walk past one!

Shaylynn didn't know whether to laugh or not

SHAYLYNN: You're hot and you know it! Now get up there and open a bottle of wine! I need to go! I have somewhere to be!

BETH: I'll text you later

Shaylynn kissed her cheek then Beth got out.

The apartment was freezing when she walked into the kitchen. After switching on the heating she went to make  some tea. Luckily there was milk in the fridge, it looked like Kelly had done a grocery shop. While she was waiting for the kettle to boil she scrolled through all of the texts Kelly had sent her. She was soon bawling her eyes out as she made her cup of tea.

BETH: I don't want tea! I need wine! (crying)

Beth walked into the living room and and got changed into a long t shirt that she had brought with her, she was now sweating as it was too hot!

Twenty minutes later she had cried herself to sleep on the couch.

A few hours later Kelly walked into the living room and saw her asleep on the large brown chesterfield.

KELLY: Wow, where have you been?

He went to bend down and give her a kiss.  He smiled at her again at how tanned she was

KELLY:  God I've missed you (smiling)

He shook her gently to wake her

KELLY: Beth?

Beth woke up and looked at Kelly

BETH: Am i dreaming?


She pulled herself up, Kelly knelt on the floor in front of her.

KELLY:  I love you!

Beth bit her bottom lip and looked right into his eyes, she smiled.

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