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in which a ghost falls in love with his victim. the overdone "you can see me but nobody else can" scenario.

tyler groaned, reaching to feel his back. he'd been lifting heavy boxes and furniture all day, and he definitely was not built for that kind of work.

but he was finally done and he was ready to relax in his new home. he opened his fridge to grab a beer when for seemingly no reason, a glass bottle of syrup fell and shattered. he sighed, leaving to go get a towel and a cleaning spray.
"oh, come on! aren't you wondering why it fell?" yelled an annoyed joshua dun, holding a bowl of popcorn.
tyler paused, staring at josh. he started to dig through a cabinet, searching for his baseball bat.
"and who the fuck are you?" he asked, posing like he was about to hit him.
"woah, babe ruth," josh said, holding his hands up and backing away. "you couldnt hit me if you tried, i'm not real. technically. you're not supposed to know I'm real. also, you shouldnt be able to see me. that's not good."
tyler looked unphased.
"brendon warned me about crackheads breaking into my house. stay here, weirdo. I'm calling the police. don't touch anything."
"no, man. try to hit me. i'm telling the truth. if you call the police they won't see me."
tyler sighed, deciding to humor him just because he wanted to give him a good Smack™.
"alright, if this thing hits you I'm adding another accusation to my call. you're done for, pal."
josh thought that was kind of toxic, but he didnt say anything.
tyler took a deep breath before swinging at josh as hard as he could. that breath turned into a gasp when he realized he'd just put a huge hole in the wall of his brand new house. he was even more upset when he realized josh was completely unharmed.

— sexy time skip •3• —

"so why can't you leave?" tyler asked, even though josh had explained this several times. you'd be confused too, if a ghost lived in your house.
"shitty contract, this house is mine until like the end of forever. i'm pretty salty about it, so i try to keep people out. i'm scared of you though, so you're fine."
—"you're scared of me?"
"you can see me. that's like, the biggest power move ever."
—"have you ever, like, tried?"
"wow, you really want me out that bad? this is my house, man. don't test me."
now it was tyler's turn to put his hands up.
"alrighty, pal. how long have you been dead again?"
josh thought for a second.
"something like, 20 years."
"oh," he whispered, "did you know babe ruth was dead?"
josh stared.
"I'm not going to answer that question. go think about how long 20 years isnt."
—"fine, okay, whatever."

the next morning, tyler woke up to a surprise. not the good kind, but a surprise nevertheless. his new ghostly acquaintance was sitting on his arm chair. tyler nearly fell out of his bed.
"woah, dude, have you been in here all night?"
josh laughed.
"well, yeah. i physically cannot sleep, so i was waiting for you to wake up. you're a pretty sleeper, by the way." tyler blushed, but ignored the compliment.
"dude, that's creepy."
josh shrugged,
"well, potato, uhh, tomato."
-"that isnt how it goes."

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