Chapter 3: We have to find him

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It was 2 a.m. Joyce was laying in her bed,but she couldn't fall asleep. Murray's phone call shocked her to the core and she didn't know what to make out of it. -What "Update"is he talking about? Is there something happening in the lab again? Why is it not good or bad? She was so curious about this message. She didn't sleep the whole night.She had millions of thoughts going through her head and she just wanted to know what this phone call even meant.

There was another thought going through her head, but it seemed as a less of a possibility. Yet she couldn't help but think about. Somewhere deep down she had some hope that maybe Hop is still somewhere out there. That he's not really gone. That maybe one day she will wake up and he's gonna be right next to her. She wanted him by her side. She missed him so much. She wanted to hug him, feel his arms wrapped around her. She always felt safe with him. She knew that Hopper would do anything for her. She knew he loved her. She loved him too, but for some reason it was so hard for both of them to admit it. They have been a couple before, but it was way back in high school. But this time it was different. They were both mature adults. Both had their scars. Both had some dark past behind them. Joyce was a single mom with 2 teenage boys. Hopper was a divorced man who's daughter died of cancer and on top of this he adopted a girl who was once a "lab rat". But the feeling was there all the time. She never fully accepted the fact that he was gone. She hoped that one day they will see each other again and they will get a chance to become real family.

Maybe the update is about him? Come on Joyce. It's not possible. He's dead" - Joyce thought to herself.

The night passed and Joyce just laid in her bed thinking all night about Murray's message and the update he had for.

-Mom - El said while she gently shook Joyce's arm.

-El - Joyce said with a tired voice - what time is it?

-It's almost eight mom. You weren't waking up so I wanted to check if you're ok. You usually wake up before us. - El said a little bit wordy for her mom.

-Sorry. I couldn't sleep the whole night that's all.- Joyce said yawning

-Is everything ok mom. You look worried. - El said with a concerned voice.

-I'm ok sweetheart. Don't worry about me. I'm fine - Joyce said as she got out of bed.

-Did someone called you last night? It sounded like you were talking to someone. 

-Oh that. It was nothing. Someone just called the wrong number that's all. -Joyce lied. She didn't want to tell El the truth. She didn't want El to get involved.

If the "Update" was about the lab or something related to it, Joyce didn't want El to know about it. El went through so much already and she just didn't want her to go through that hell again. El just smiled and they both went together to get some breakfast.

-So El- Joyce asked as they were having breakfast - How do you like your new school?

-I like it. I really enjoy going there. I can be a regular kid now and it makes me happy.- El said with excitement in her voice-I still struggle with some classes, but I'm getting there. I like science the most. It's really interesting and my science teacher is the best. I heard that Will wants to start A.V Club, so maybe I'll join them.

-Yes that would be so great El. You are always welcome in our club- said Will

El just smiled and Joyce added,

-I'm glad that you enjoy school El and remember if you ever struggle just come to me and we will figure something out.

After breakfast El and Mike went to school. The school bus was always picking them up at the same time.

-Bye Mom - Will and El yelled at the same time as they were leaving the house.

-Bye guys. Have fun. I'll see you guys after work. - Joyce lied again. She wasn't planning on going to work that day.

Instead she was going to go to Murray's place. Last night Murray told her to come over because he wanted to talk to her in person. He wanted to come over to her place, but Joyce told him not to because she didn't want the kids to find out.

On her way to Murray's she was only able to think about the "Update". -

-Update about what? - she questioned- IS it really about the lab? Is it about the Mind Flayer or Upside Down? - But there was still that other thought that seemed almost impossible, but Joyce couldn't help, but think about it. Could it be about Hopper? She was thinking about him everyday and she couldn't help,but think that maybe Hop is still out there somewhere. After all they all thought that El died the first time she closed the gate, but then it turned out otherwise. Joyce never gave up her hope.

After 45 minute drive Joyce finally arrived at Murray's place. Murray was sitting outside of his house;it looked like he was waiting for her. Joyce got out of the car.

-Joyce, I'm glad you came. I know my phone call probably freaked you out, but it's very important and I had to talk to you in person about it. Let's just get inside and I will explain this whole thing to you.- Said Murray. They both went inside the house

-You want something to drink. I have vodka.- Murray said as  he made his way to the fridge.

-Murray, I'm driving so I don't think It's a good idea. - Joyce said giving him that "Did you really just ask that" look.

-Trust me Joyce. After I'll tell you what I found out you're gonna need that vodka. - Murray said as he was pouring them a drink.

-What are you talking about? Murray just tell me what happened? What is the "update" that you have for me? Is the lab doing something again? - Joyce was questioning him. You could hear a little anger in her voice.

-Ok let's just sit and I will tell you- said Murray while he finished up their drink. They both sat at the kitchen table. Murray brought some documents with him and a newspaper.

-Joyce, it's about Hopper.

-Hopper? - she could feel the blood rushing through her veins. - Hopper is dead. - she continued. -She was confused, shocked.

-Joyce I know it sounds weird and you have every right to be shocked because the first time I heard it I couldn't believe it either.- Murray said as he reached for one of the documents. -I got this in a mail about 3 weeks ago. It's a report from Dr. Owens. After Hopper's death I told Owens to stay in touch with me and give me any updates that he has about the Upside Down and the Ruskies. But what he wrote in his latest report took me by surprise. - Murray said as he handed the report to Joyce.

The report said,

Mr. Bauman,

I have some new update for you regarding the events that took place last July. What I'm about to tell you has to stay between you and me (please do not mention this to Joyce Byers. I know she would get on the case right away, but I don't want her to put herself and her family in danger.) I have one of my people at the Russian base in Kamchatka, John Miller. About a week ago I got a message from Miller. He said that the Commies got one of our people imprisoned. He didn't see him, but from what he heard the man was found on the Russian side of the Upside Down?

- Hopper? - Joyce whispered as she was reading the note.

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