Chapter 5- You're not going

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-I have to find him mom. I have to go there. He needs me - El said nervously as she was walking around the room.

EL always had a feeling that her dad is still alive. Although her powers were gone for some time now she still had this weird feeling that something is not right. It was like a seventh sense. She never fully accepted the fact that Hop was gone. She knew that one day her powers will come back and than she will be able to find her dad. He was the only family she had. He helped her when she needed it the most. He took her as his own daughter. He fed her, took care of her, and taught her how to be a regular kid. Hop was her real father, even if they weren't related by blood. She remembered what he would always tell her. "Remember kid, it doesn't matter if you're related by blood or not. Family is not blood, but it's the people who care about you and who love you. That's real family."

-Go there? - Joyce said to El with a concerned voice- This place is full of soldiers plus Brenner is looking for you. I'm not letting you go anywhere. It's too dangerous. - Joyce continued.

Joyce knew that El is not going to give up. I think she got it from him? She's stubborn just like him. -Joyce thought to herself. El wasn't his biological daughter,but she sure was a mini version of him. She was a fighter. Like father, like daughter.

-I have to get Hopper  out of that hell. He needs me. - El was saying.  Tears were streaming down her face.

-What he needs is for you to be safe - Joyce raised her voice a little bit. She knew that El is not gonna give up on that idea.

-I'm not safe anyways, mom. I never was. This whole thing is my fault.The Upside Down, the Mind Flayer, Brenner... , it's all my fault. Lucas was right. I am the monster. - El said. She couldn't help but cry.

Ever since Hop was gone El constantly blamed herself for all of it. She believed that it was all her fault. She was the reason why all of this is happening. The Mind Flyer was out to get her and because of that all the people she loved and care about were put at risk. She wanted to do anything in her power to protect the people she loved. El was determined to find Hopper. She didn't care about risk or the fact that Brenner was out to get her. All she wanted was for hop to be safe. She wanted him to come back so that they can become a real family. Her, Hop, Joyce and the boys.

-No you're not.- Will interrupted out of nowhere- Lucas was not right. You are not a monster,El. You saved me when that thing took over me. You saved us all. - Will came up to her and hugged her. El was shaking and crying.

-El I don't want you to risk your life like this. Hopper would never forgive me if something would happen to you.- Joyce said calmly as she looked at El.

- Nothing is going to happen to me. Mom you have to trust me. I know what I'm doing. I CAN FIGHT.-

As El said those words, Joyce recalled the time at Starcourt where she heard El's conversation with Hopper before they went to close the gate. "I can Fight" These are the same words she said to Hop- Joyce thought in her head.

- I just don't want anything bad to happen to you sweetheart. If Brenner is still looking for you than that means that you are in danger and going there would be a huge risk.Remember what Hop said, We are ... ,

- Not Stupid- El finished- I know.I promise I will be careful. Just let me go with you. I can help. After all my powers are back.

Joyce only nodded.

- Mom let her go. - Will said as he looked at Joyce's concerned face.- She'll be fine. She knows what she's doing. I mean we all can help.

-Alright. We'll figure something out.- Joyce looked at both of her kids. She couldn't believe how mature they are for their age. She was proud of them. She continued - We have to tell Jonathan when he comes back. Also, we are going to Hawkins tomorrow for Thanksgiving weekend. We all have to come up with a plan together. We're gonna need some help from Mike, Steve, Dustin and the rest. If we're  gonna do this we will do it together. Also, Murray knows too.

Knows?- El asked - How does he know?

- Yeah, Murray got a report from Dr. Owens. This is how he knew about all of this and today he shared that information with me. I wanted to keep it a secret from you cause I wanted to protect you, but then your powers came back and here we are. - she said. - We will find him El. We will get Hopper out of that shithole. - Joyce said.

El smiled. She knew that Joyce will do anything in her power to help her find her dad. She knew that Joyce wants to find him as bad as she does because she loves him. El remembered what Joyce told her few days ago and that thought made her really happy.


-Where is El? Tell me where she is? - Brenner yelled while questioning Hop

- I told you I don't know. And even if I did I wouldn't tell you shit. - Hopper said. He was in pain. They were torturing him. Brenner was determined to find El at all cost.

-Where is the girl? I know you adopted her. I know that she's been living with you for almost 2 years now so tell me where the hell is she?

-I DON'T KNOW- Hopper said again.

Brenner looked at the guy who was standing next to Hopper and he nodded. The guy was dressed in all white. Probably some kind of a doctor. As Brenner nodded the man took some shot and he injected it into Hopper. It was a drug. After this Hopper started to feel weird.

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