Chapter 9- Are you ready?

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The day was finally here. Right after breakfast Joyce and the kids made their way to the Starcourt mall where they were supposed to meet up with Dr. Owens and Murray. They told Karen that they will go out altogether to see a movie and than later they will grab something to eat. Karen believed them. Joyce has never been so nervous before. Her heart was beating faster, she could feel the blood running through her veins. Finally,she will see Hop again. She missed him so much. The past 3 months without him made her realize just how much she loved him.

El was excited too. She missed her dad so much. She wanted to tell him all about their new home and how she goes to school now and how  she can be a normal kid. So much they had to catch up on.

-Mrs.Byers. I'm glad to see you again - Dr. Owens greeted her and the rest of the group as they entered the secret lab at Starcourt.

-Dr. Owens , I'm glad to see you too - Joyce answered.

Murray was already there, dressed in his Soviet uniform that they all were wearing 4 months ago at the same place.

-You're ready Joyce? Got your uniform? - Murray asked as he looked at her and the group.

-Ready?- Joyce said without any hesitation.

-Ok- Dr. Owens said- So the plan is simple. Mrs. Byers, Murray and El will go through the portal and they will try to find Hopper in one of the cells, while Steve and Robin create a distraction. Remember guys you have to be careful. Especially you Mr. Harrington.- Owens turned to him-  I heard that you like to get in trouble and you get your ass kicked a lot- Owens said with little irony in his voice. -Robin just laughed.

-Man you get beat up twice and out of nowhere the whole world knows about it.- Steve said

-Actually man it was three times. Don't forget the Commies who drugged you last summer- Dustin added.

-Thanks man - Steve just gave him that "go fuck yourself" look

-Ok guys, I beat that no one is gonna get their ass kicked ok. Now, can we go back to the important stuff? - Joyce interrupted their little bickering. - Is there any obstacles besides soldiers with massive guns?- she asked Owens.

-I don't think so.- Owens said. Owens had no idea that the Russians were keeping a demogorgan.  No one knew.

-Well be in contact with you the whole time. Here...- said Owens as he handed a little chip to Joyce.- This will allow us to be in contact with you the whole time. If something bad happens we will hear everything and we will send our people.

-Thank you Dr.Owens. For Everything - Joyce said as she grabbed the chip and put it in one of her pockets.

-It's the least I can do. I mean after  all we started this bullshit. It's all our fault. Us scientist and the government. We wanted to play God and look where it got us.We are in a middle of a fucking chaos.- Owens said as he looked at the gate.

You could see regret in his eyes. Owens wasn't a bad man. He was just a scientist who thought that he is a part of something good.Something that would change the course of history. He didn't realize just how bad it would turn out to be.

Joyce went quickly to one of the rooms to change to her Soviet uniform. She couldn't believe that this is happening. Few days ago she thought that Hop was dead and now she was getting ready to find him somewhere in Russia. "Life can be pretty ironic" - she thought to herself as she looked in the mirror to fix herself up. She was thinking about what she's going to say to him when she sees him. There was so much that she wanted to tell him. She wanted to tell him how much she missed him and how she she kept all his stuff in hope that he would come back home.Home.She promised herself that when she finds him she will never let him go again.

She wanted them to become a family, just her, him and the kids.  She already adopted El anyways so they were halfway there. Joyce loved her like own and El treated her like the mother she never had.Now they just needed to find him to be a full family. Everyday Joyce regretted that she didn't tell him right away how she really felt about him. How she was in love with him all this time,but she was just too scared to admit it. Even when she dated Bob it was only because she didn't think that Hop was stable enough to be in a serious relationship. But than when she found out about how he took care of El this whole time she realized that maybe she was wrong.

After Bob's death she blamed herself that it was all her fault. That she should've never date Bob. He died because of her problems and the worst part was that she only dated him for stability.She just wanted stability so bad and she never thought that Hop might actually turn out to be that stability. And the secret. The secret was keeping her from telling Hop how she really felt. How she never stop loving him. 

-Mrs. Byers are you ready?- Owens voice snapped her back to reality.

-Yes- Joyce said as she opened the door. She looked so funny in her oversize uniform ,but also adorable.

-Wow Mrs. Byers if I didn't know you I would mistake you for a Commie soldier - said Steve who was standing next to Robin. Both of them wearing their Commie uniforms.

-Thanks Steve. You guys know what to do? - Joyce looked at Steve and Robin.

-Hell yes. We gotta keep those dipshits distracted while you go and find Hop. Don't worry Mrs. Byers those commies don't know who they are messing with. - Steve said with confidence. Steve was always sure of himself. He was one of those guys who liked to feel macho. He was a good friend especially for Dustin, but he was still that cool, popular Steve deep inside.

-Oh shut up Dingus- said Robin as she rolled her eyes at him. - We all know you got your ass kicked before so don't play so though. Mrs. Byers don't worry we got everything in control.We'll be good.

-El, Murray, you're ready too? - Joyce turned to them.

They both nodded - We're ready.

The group was ready to go. Will, Mike, Max and the rest stayed in the lab with Owens. They were supposed to be ready in case something happens. If worse come to worst they were supposed to be ready to go in too. Jonathan and Nancy were supposed to go in if any complications appear and they need more people to help out. They were supposed to be in contact the whole time thanks to the chip Joyce got from Owens. That was it. The group was standing in front of the gate.

-Just be safe mom. You too El -Will said and gave them a big hug.

-You're ready - Owens said

-Ready- they all said in unison.

They all entered the gate.

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