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"We need to talk" Rebecca said and he just stared down at her and shook his head

"There's nothing for us to talk about" he stated coldly "You made up your mind and you ended it" he stated "I told you, if you went through with it and came back here not to even talk to me, don't even look at me"

"Colby" she shook her head and he pushed past her to walk away from the situation "Wait!" she called as she ran up to him and grabbed his arm to stop him and he yanked it away

"Don't!" he yelled at her and she jumped back slightly "Do not touch me, do not talk to me, don't even look at me" he shook his head "I'm done, whatever friendship we had is over with.. you caused that"

"Let me explain!" she argued and he held his hand up to silence and shook his head

"What part of don't talk to me are you not getting?" he questioned "Just leave me alone"

He walked away, leaving her standing in a hallway with a bunch of production workers staring at her in confusion.

She began to cry, she never cried in public. She couldn't help it, the emotions of everything she had been through in the last few weeks and the stress of the day was all crashing into her in that second and she didn't care who was watching her as she just fell apart.

She felt somebody's arms wrap around her but she didn't know who it was until they spoke.

"It's okay" Ashley whispered in her ear "I've got you, you're okay" she said and Rebecca wrapped her arms around her best friend tightly "Come on.." she pulled her away from the strangers stares "Let's go somewhere else"

Ashley pulled her best friend into an empty office and closed the door, she sat on the desk as she waited for the redhead to regain her composure. She had learned over the years to let Rebecca speak when she was ready, not to press her for information because she would just shut down.

She watched as her best friend took a few deep breaths and wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"Are you okay?" Ashley questioned as Rebecca sat down on the desk next to her and laid her head on the blonde's shoulder

"I have a headache now" she admitted "and I feel like I'm gonna throw up" she shook her head as a small laugh escaped her lips

"That's what happens when you cry like that out of nowhere" Ashley laughed and Rebecca shook her head

"Having a baby growing inside you doesn't help the situation either" she said before she realized what she was saying, or who she was saying it to then her mouth fell open as she realized and she waited for the reaction

"WHAT?!" Ashley yelled as she stood up and looked at her friend with wide eyes "Did you just say what I think you said?" she asked

"That depends, what do you think I said?" she asked

"Rebecca!" she exclaimed growing annoyed quickly as she stared at her best friend and the redhead nodded

"I'm pregnant" she admitted "and not like I missed my period and I might be pregnant, like really really pregnant" tears formed in her eyes "Like so pregnant that it doesn't look like a blob like I thought it would" she shook her head "It has arms and legs and it's constantly moving and making me sick" she laughed at the last part

"Holy shit" Ashley stated as her best friend pulled her phone out of her back pocket and showed her, her lock screen which was a picture of the ultrasound from the previous week "Holy shit" Ashley said again with wide eyes "Look at it!" she exclaimed and Rebecca smiled "Wait.." she shook her head "It takes two" she said and Rebecca nodded "Wait a second, Colby?" she asked and Rebecca nodded "I'm gonna kill him" she said and began to walk towards the door

Our Accident - Becky Lynch & Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now