A/N Time fer another new start/Restart?

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(Ti picture is a screenshot from FusionZGamer's gameplay of FNAF VR DLC: Curse of Dreadbear :3)

Just a lil' annoucement thingy tad welp first off, I'm back on here again, yes :P & welp there is a little shift on my AU & I have rewrite some aspects on it when there's more theorizing to come when FNAF VR came & damn... Welp, I'm going to do a restart on tis one & welp I'll add more characters in when I ever finished drawing their refs thou ^^' soooo... Guess here is our new introduction of cast of characters thus far tads available... Fer now tad is -U-


As you were standing in front o big house that The size of restaurant of some kind, you blinked and stare at the door in front of you, as it has a handle on the top of it with a Foxy head marked on the handle, and a door bell on the right side, as windows and on both sides of the big house, as in the inside looks like it was empty, while the sun shone through the emptiness to reveal some Sofas, a yellow and blue pattern carpets, A TV, a lamp on top of a counter, etc

It seems also looks like a nice loving house that is empty, you looked back at the door, & decided to knock at the door, wondering if there's anyone in the big house

You waited for a few moments, before you've heard some footsteps walking around the house, as you began to hear voices from imside of The House

"Hey Tammeron, mind getting the door?" "Huh?... Why me? It's just probably those trick or treaters again though and Do we had more candies left?" "I don't know! Don't ask me. Go ask Jennifer if we had some or not. I'm busy right now!" "But what if I get hit on the head again, Sis? I don't want my head get hit again!"

A quiet pause fills around the room before another voice spoke up
"I'll get the door! Umph! Eee... Is this the door?..." Then you heard a vase shattered down on the floor as another footsteps were heard after, as they seems to be bumping on the wall
"Owh! Uumm... Where's the Door?" "Jennifer!" "What?"

Another loud footsteps came closer as you can heard them say "I was cooking our breakfast. Why did you call me for, Tam?" The person called "Tammeron" growled slightly as he speaks up

"One, don't call me that. Second, your brother is needed your assistance to get to the door" "Oh, alright. Mind watching the food in the kitchen for me, Tammeron?" "Sure!" Tammeron's footsteps goes away to The kitchen, as the one called "Jennifer" goes up to someone who are shorter than her as he seems to be looking around for the door

She places her hand on his shoulder and said "Hey brother... Let me help you there" "O-Oh... Thanks, Sis.."

A lock was heard being unlocked as the door open to reveal a brown bear of the size of 5 feet tall with blue eyes and smile on his face, while a yellow chicken is behind him, holding his shoulders as she is a feet taller than the bear as The bear squints his eyes at you, trying to see who's in front of him

As for the chicken, she sees you and raised a brow, before speaking up "Uumm, Hello? Are you new here?" She asked you, as The bear blinked and gets a bit closer to you, pinching your cheeks, grabbing your arm to touch it, & sniffing you a little, before being pulled back a bit

"Hhmm?" The bear looks back at the chicken, confused

"Gabrielle... I think we got a guest here" she said to The bear then looks back at you "I'm guessing Fred has already showed you around, huh? Well come in" she gestured you to come inside the house, as she guided the bear, you, and herself to a big living room of some sort with the lights off for the morning, two sofas, a flat screen TV on front with a long table in front of the Sofas

Ask or Dare My Fnaf AU crewTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon