Frayed thread (Error X Ink )

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A part of this chapter was written by PomegranateRed!

So all of the writing before mine is her/their work! Please follow them!


If you are not aware that this is explicit content, I ask you to please calmly stop reading and ignore that you've ever seen this book, so please ignore this book and do not report it for whatever reason.

Thank you, now enjoy

Omniscient view

A crisp white canvas sat on the lush greenery, the galaxy of stars and swirls of orange, blue and purple came together to create a pretty picture. Phalanges brushed against it and then slowly landed to grab a tube of red paint, picking a paint brush, they dabbed it in the vibrant color of roses. The tip of the brush touched the blank piece waiting to be reborn anew as it blooms along side the mother natures beautiful florets of different hues and blended colors.

Shades of scarlet intertwined with the soft surface, being filled with a lustrous shine. Each stroke left behind a trail of intricate curves, the sound of it made the peace and quiet seem all the more delicate. A slight breeze came and blew the blades of grass showing their glowing form, a beige scarf flew alongside it, making a certain skeleton smile and gaze at the lovely sky.


That silence was interrupted by the flashing of their eyelights becoming an exclamation mark, bring him awareness that havoc was being wrecked upon his creations of unique life. He held the giant paint brush at his side, it leaking black ink as he brought it up and slashed down as it ripped through the finely woven shell of the doodle sphere, he took a step wit those brown shoes of his with curls of ink decorating it.

A vast wide open land with floating islands and a beautiful night. The weight of gravity had shifted into one that allowed Ink to jump to higher altitudes. A figure came crashing to the ground, scattering the dust and pebbles all over, blinding him for a short while. A familiar person came into view, error signs surrounded him as blue luminescent strings wrapped around his dark hands with finger of red and yellow. A bluish jacket fluttered as the ends were layered with fluff, they landed in front of the glitching threat.

"I DoN'T wAnT tO fIgHt, OuTeR! I jUsT wAnTeD To EnjOy ThE ViEw!" A harsh voice that's tone shifted from high pitches to low ones came to call out the skeleton in the fluffy hood, Outer.

"How do I know that's all you want? I'm tired of waiting for the worst case scenario of you destroying my Universe! I'm panicked every single time you visit, scared thar what's awaiting me is the death of everyone I hold dear... So I alerted Ink to help me finally feel at ease." This was a deep voice with overwhelming malice and anger, but at the same time impatient, their stances and glowing right eye showed exactly that.

Ink gripped his weapon as he prepared for a single battle with Error like all the other countless times they've fought. His expectation was for him to dash towards him and initiate the paused never ending war. Instead the glitch had tears run down his face as the threads he uses wrapped around Outer and flung him into a tree, knocking him out.

Rage, agony and such a mixture of painful emotions flooded onto Errors visage. The voices screaming in his head became a chorus of planned insults. He wasn't needed or wanted by this place he wished to protect... A fallen guardian that has not once had the sweet taste of being in the spotlight. His very presence frightened the people and his actions caused many to believe he was merely a monster of destruction. No one bothered to look past the prejudiced views and delve deep into the true side of the being. The thin lines between madness and sanity was slimming, his happiness running circles around him as pleas of it to stay put, fell on uncaring ears. The world revolving around him hated his existence and believe that their safety was provided by this delusional god of creation... Not knowing that the one keeping them alive was right there, taking on the sins of all upon his shoulders, yet not a single action of gratitude was held in his regard. His eye lights dimmed to a monotone hue, Ink stepped back watching from afar, the destroyers broken and fragmented pieces of his facade was replaced by his inner turmoil. 

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