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"Lily, Love I'm not gonna leave you alone with Harry on Halloween night," James Potter said with his big dopey grin. He rubbed the back of his neck, brown eyes bright and happy. He was surrounded by some of his most cherished people. Lily and his precious son stood in front of him with heir big matching green eyes that James adored, and next to him was the short leather jacket-wearing playboy of his best friend named Sirius Black. On James' other side, with scars and a fluffy woollen jacket was Remus Lupin

"James go" Lily smiled. Her green eyes glowed with her love. She had arranged for Sirius and Remus to come get James. He'd been so distraught after his parents died, Sirius was too. Even the family cat, Serpens could sense the grief. After much struggle, Lily and baby Harry watched daddy fly off into the night with his friends.

"Okay baby, let's go get Serpy," The ginger said rubbing her nose to her son's nose. He giggled happily at his mother. Serpens, the cat with an exceptional lifespan was named after a star, like in the Black family tradition and specifically, the snake star as a bit of a 'toss off' from James and Sirius. Lily loved the cat, Harry did too but he was young and scared the cat often. Serpens was a sleek black cat with evergreen coloured eyes.


"And the itzy bitzy-" The rustling of a doorknob had stopped Lily, she turned from her son and cat to stare at the door, clutching her wand. A pudgy and freckled blonde entered the room looking sheepish and embarrassed. "Peter, you scared me. Harry's about off to bed, would you like to hold him?" She was full of mirth and joy.

"Sorry Lils"


"Mates that was bloody brilliant!" James said happily as the boys got to the Hollow. Sirius, although much shorter than the other men, clapped Remus and James on the back. Remus didn't even roll his eyes at such behaviour. All stopped as they approached the house.

"LILY!" James screamed, not even caring about the late hour. He ran up what was left of the staircase, looking for his family. "JAMIE!" Sirius screamed as he ran after him. Somehow Sirius had though half-logically, it would not be smart to just run into the destroyed house and yet he did it too. Remus called the Aurors.

"She's dead mates" James' brown eyes were empty as he watched his beloved be carried away by the Aurors. "This all that survived," A couple of deep-voiced Aurors said as they handed Remus and James a box and Serpens. Baby Harry was already nestled in Sirius' arms, unaware of the world.

"When my great uncle died, along with my money, I inherited an estate. It's free from Black magic, let's stay there for tonight mates. We can sort this all out in the morning" Sirius spoke.

"My wife is dead Padfoot" James glared. "So's my brother. Nothing you can do mate safe for keeping yourself sane and alive for Harry. We'll throw a nice funeral to honour her" Sirius clapped James on the back.

"Prongs go with him. I'll grab some sh-stuff from my cottage and meet you there" Remus said threatening to go into mother hen mode. He'd been to the estate before so he knows the address. Too many close calls with Remus wanting to get stoned and Sirius drunk so they decided to do it at Sirius' property.

"For Harry"

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