Diagon Ally

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When Harry was eleven he had the joy of being able to go to Diagon Ally. James was heartbroken but he had to work that day at the Potter-Black Grande Apothecary and Potion Emporium he ran with Sirius. Remus was at the Marauder household in bed, the full moon was not too long ago so none of the men wanted to wake him. That left Sirius and the freshly graduated Nymphadora Tonks to take Harry shopping.

Which meant that a small, short boy with big thick round-glasses, shaggy black hair that could not be tamed and covered his forehead, and baggy casual clothes were walking in between Nymphie and Sirius. On his right, a 6'3 woman with short pink hair and an undercut walked. Her aristocratic pointy face was covered in several silver piercings and she had violet eyes. She wore boots with no heels as she tripped often, black pleather pants, a wizarding band shirt and a Hufflepuff scarf.

The clumsy woman made herself tall to upset Sirius. And Sirius, the sex god himself. His soft curling black hair reached down to his shoulder blades. And because he was not a metamorphagis like Tonks, he could not change any features and ended up looking more aristocratic than the Hufflepuff. He had a single lip ring and many many ear piercings. Mr. Black also wore a black worn-out dog collar that James gave him in sixth year. He wore a Muggle Band shirt, a dragon-hide jacket, pleather pants and heeled boots. Even with the heels, Sirius was only 5'11 and that's a harsh difference to James' 6'2 and especially Remus' 6'6.

Bundled in Harry's scrawny arms was his precious cat. Serpens had not looked like they aged a day. That's due to the magical breed of the cat.

"So we need to get you a wand and Gryffindor robes," Sirius said with the smirk that Harry remembered Remus calling infuriating. "Toss off mate, 'Arry you'd be the most spectacular speccy Hufflepuff," Tonks said.

They decided that they'd go to Ollivander's for a wand first. And while on route, a pack of gingers came into view and that made the metamorphagis light up. Her best friend Charlie Weasley had already left for Romania but that didn't mean she couldn't stop to say hello to his family.

"Oi," She projected loudly before running over to the redheads and tripping multiple times. A snickering Sirius and concerned Harry slowly followed behind her.

"Molly! Arthur!" Nymphadora greeted energetically. "Oh, Tonks! Surprised to see you here" Molly Weasley smiled. "Yeah, I'm helping Siri here take 'Arry shopping for Hogwarts" The pink-haired girl scratched the back of her neck.

"He must be the same year as Ronald then" Percy spoke formally. He was quite a sore-thumb in terms of standing out since he was stood next to the twins. Fred and George had their arms around each other and were whispering suspiciously.

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