1 | Derrick

4 1 0

I fumbled with the lighter in my hoodie pocket as I held my cigarette between my lips. I could hear Mr. Lennox through an open class window lecturing the class of the importance of intercept slope form and how you will never get anywhere in life if you don't know the formulas.

I roll my eyes and light my cigarette and leaned against the brick wall. I let the coolness deep through my clothes and close my eyes. Perks of having an alley behind your school. I have the perfect smoke spot, and it's peaceful out here. I can ditch 5th period filled with obnoxious mouth breathers and come here and grab a smoke and think. There are even a few stray cats out here.

I take a hit and I feel my chest expanding and I hold the smoke there for a second before I release it. I finished and threw my cigarette butt on the ground and was about to slip back into the halls when I heard rustling and what sounded like clicking down the alley.

"Who's there?" I started to walk toward the clicking. I asked again. "Who's there?" A girl in a light blue sweater was crouching. She turned her head around to look at me and stood up.

Shd wasn't very tall, and she had short brown hair that framed her face well. She was pretty and I couldn't help but look her up and down. My eye caught sight of a gold locket around her neck that she clutched in her small hand. She was looking at me and I noticed her big brown eyes looking me up and down as well.

I grinned. Who was this girl? "What's your name?" I asked. She smiled back.

"Charlene. But you can call me Cheryl."

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